Product concepts — Michelle Anguisaca



Personally speaking, I believe “Sparketh” was a pitch that truly resonated to me for many reasons for instance: the inclusion of education to those who wish to learn about art at a young age for a small price to pay. In addition, it is online, it doesn’t have a time in where one must be regulated, it is flexible to the individual’s needs. Sparketh can lead to numerous future artists, artists that express themselves through their own work, work with feelings and meaning. However, i do believe that Sparketh can change in a few aspects, such as the resources, age limitations, and better services. I feel like Sparketh solely basing itself on Artistic features is just fine but it’s an app, a concept, that can be further developed, stretched to fit the needs of education for more than just art. Possibly to learn languages, mathematics, children academic from kindergarten to fifth grade, middle school basics (6-8) and basic high school academics that may be used for future references. Sparketh can be a place to further deepen a child’s knowledge and shouldn’t be limited. I also believe they can come up with a better layout or organization on their website making a bit more open to a better audience instead of just children like i mentioned before. I also think they should work on their sales more on how to properly advertise instead of relying on close home families near their location as without sales their business wont flourish. Overall, I am a fan of their idea but it could use some changes for it to improve.

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