Unit 9 Assignment

The pitch that resonated with me the most was the last pitch by Dinesh about his business Incredible eats. This was definitely a product “that makes you think why didn’t I think of that?” and as he was pitching his ideas and enthusiasm drew you in. His product of edible utensils may not be a first but his drive behind this product is what sets him apart. He wants this product to help reduce the amount of plastic waste caused by single used plastic utensils.

I feel as if consumers have the duty of helping the planet fight global warming, we should practice what we preach. Many took to the streets these past few years trying to voice their opinions on helping the environment and this product is one of the many that can and would take us in the right direction. 

Lori had the right idea about the packaging needing to be changed, I think Dinesh was trying to go for the plain packaging to make his product blend in with the other plain plastic utensil packaging. However, his product may not be the first but it is a part of FEW. Many consumers will buy something that makes them feel safe, so if they walk into a store and straight to the plastic forks, they will choose the one they know and are familiar with, completely ignoring the rest and not noticing this revolutionary product of Dinesh. A new design, with better disclaimers on the packaging could prevent this. 

I also personally feel as if this product has so much potential waiting to be unlocked. Dinesh at the moment might think that only restaurants may be interested in his products but he’s also overlooking a broad spectrum of places to market to. One being education institutions, school’s everyday feed up more than 13mil annually and typically these schools also invest into plastic spoons. They could also invest and create other products that could accommodate these edible utensils, for example ice trays, they could sell reusable molding trays and the batter of the product to consumers to make for themselves. 


The possibilities are endless.

2 thoughts on “Unit 9 Assignment

  1. Noura Ketami

    It was the same product that attract me the most. Even the price is higher but having this product in the shelves next to the disposable utensils will give me the opportunity to choose the product that will be good for me now or for the future because it’s not always price manner.

  2. Lex Jacquet

    Hi, I also choose Dinesh’s company; his spirit is just so pure. Dinesh does seem to need to redo his packaging, I would agree as well. By doing that, he can better explain his product to consumers by emphasizing the company’s mission and edible qualities.

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