Product concept

The pitch that resonated with me was Flasky Flowers and for the reason it being for a specific market wedding. The product is seasonal, and some months sales would be high compared to others, but I do know if this had to go globally to any extend to where this American product reaches the southern hemisphere its potential to bring in sales are just as great. I love weddings and I see brides and grooms loving this since you can have the option of having real flowers or synthetic.

The product concept is a bouquet/flask to fill that special day with some booze or your choice of beverage of cause, this concept fills a market where you do not need to carry both your bouquet and drink but eliminate having to stand around with your drink when you are.

Flasky flowers is entering into the market with a new invention with a twist.


What gap does this product fill? An invention like Flasky flowers has potential to grow because it has the capability to withhold real flowers. On a hot summer day at a wedding and you’re standing at the alter thirsty this might just come handy.


What process does this product make easier? The product is more convenience but B2B this could expand and be bigger with the right team.


Why should consumers not only want this product, but feel like they need it? This concept would depend on many factors one of them is that this becomes a trend and replaces the old way of just having your simple bouquet, but that would be a tough market to penetrate since many people might not see the need for it, since this product is probably not sustainable or able to reuse for other purposes.


This product would best position and branded to consumers that are getting married or parties. That is why packaging and advertising of this product could play a big role in its revenue.

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