Tencent Holdings Ltd
Tencent is the largest internet company in China. Tencent also is the world’s largest video game vendor, as well as one of the most financially valuable companies. Therefore, Tencent should assume greater social responsibility and ethics
Tencent companies divide social responsibility into four dimensions: Business dimensions, User dimension, social dimension, and environmental dimension.
- Business dimensions: Tencent established the social responsibility department in 2010 in order to implement the strategy of Tencent social responsibility. And, Tencent also set up corporate social responsibility liaisons in every department to comprehensively promote corporate social responsibility work. Tencent also will safeguard the rights and interests of employees and ensure that employees receive long-term promotion and development opportunities in addition to income benefits
- User dimensions: Tencent will listen to the user and keep improving the service. Tencent also promises to be honest with the users and protect the rights and interests of users.
- Social dimensions: Provide necessary financial support and resource support to public welfare organizations to help them develop, expand their social influence, and create more and greater social value.
- Environment dimensions: Establish the principle of environmental priority, strategies for sustainable investment, and make a commitment to ecological sustainability.
Guardian Project: In order to appeal to the whole society share attention and participate in Anti-telecom network fraud and raise awareness of anti-fraud, Tencent jointly launched police in six different province anti-fraud public welfare special actions. (http://www.dzwww.com/xinwen/jishixinwen/202109/t20210923_9195425.htm)
99 Public Interest Day: The Tencent Charitable Foundation has announced it will invest 5 billion yuan for supporting public benefit items. (https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1709503692732183665&wfr=spider&for=pc)
Social responsibility is always separated into 2 types, one is internal responsibility and the other is external responsibility. So, for creating a more ethical, socially responsible, and/or sustainable business, people have to do both of these things.
- Ethics should start at the top. Managers can help instill corporate values in employees. Trust between workers and managers must be based on fairness, honesty, openness, and moral integrity, and overly ambitious goals and incentives can create an environment in which unethical actions can occur. Then, the company should set corporate ethical standards, Integrity-based ethics codes, and Compliance-based ethics codes.
- Social responsibility, the company should have a responsibility to employees, customers, investors, society, and the environment. For doing this, the company should create jobs and provide a chance for upward mobility, treat employees with respect. The company needs to provide funds to nonprofits for doing commonweal to make company with good ethical reputations.