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Who We Are

The Library Peer Ambassador program is a student-led, student-centered cohort designed to cultivate belonging, professional development, and intellectual curiosity for both cohort members and the students the cohort serves. The cohort collaborates with and is facilitated by BMCC Librarians. We aim to innovate library programs and services, namely in the following three areas: hospitalityoutreach, and knowledge creation.


  • Provide people-centered customer service at the welcome desk.
  • Direct students to library services and resources based on research need.
  • Design welcome desk to make more approachable and inviting
  • Designing/updating of Library signage, such as question of the week board.
  • Offering quick reference support if a librarian is not available and/or if it’s a basic general reference question, directing students to appropriate Research Guide, Tutorial, or database.


  • Create engaging IG posts and stories highlighting library resources, events, change of services, etc.
  • Participate in the Library’s Outreach Team to help decorate book displays and plan for Library events such as De-Stress Fest, Paint your Pride, Cultural Heritage months and more!
  • Help keep current library tutorials and Research Guides up to date.



Knowledge Creation

  • Promote and encourage usage of the Library’s Podcast booth.
  • Co-Lead student-focused workshops in mini-comics and zine creation.
  • Co-design Library information literacy tutorials for asynchronous learning on our LibWizard platform and other free multi-media design platforms.
  • Design LibGuides on various topics related to the student experience in NYC.