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These Library Resources Will Enhance Your BMCC Experience

Do not underestimate the power of the A. Philip Randolph Memorial Library at BMCC. In whatever way you desire to evolve as a prospective graduate or career professional, despite your major, there are several ways to hone your abilities. Of course, the library is the perfect place to settle down and do homework, study, and work on projects. In addition, you have access to an abundance of free resources that will enhance your scholastic experience at BMCC. Whether you are working on a research project or presentation, and need some help navigating the library itself be confident there is something at BMCC’s library to lead you in the right direction!

Here is a breakdown of free resources available for students at the A. Philip Randolph Memorial Library:

CUNY Academic Works

CUNY Academic Works is a repository of research, scholarship, and creative and pedagogical work authored by members of the City University of New York stratosphere.


OneSearch is a CUNY-wide platform that acts as a search engine to locate a plethora of physical media and digital resources including books, journals, magazines, database articles, citations, newspapers, and more.

  • Databases
  • Journals
  • Guides
  • Reserves
  • Citation Search
  • A-Z Databases 

Through the BMCC login portal, students can gain access to a wide range of academic databases including JSTOR, Britannica Academic, Sage Publications, and more.

Library Video Tutorials

Include how-to instructions on Keywords and the Research Process, Using MLA Style, Using APA Style, and more!.

OER (Open Educational Resources)

OER (open educational resources) are free learning materials that are available for everyone including teachers, students, and members of the public. OER materials come in a variety of formats such as complete courses, course modules, assignments, tests and quizzes, textbooks, videos, and more.

Group Study Room at A. Philip Randolph Memorial Library

For groups of students who need a place to conduct research, study sessions, or work on group assignments, there are two rooms stationed at the library that offer space to pursue these activities during library hours.

Fiterman Hall Study Room

Over at Fiterman Hall, eight study rooms resemble a classroom. Whether it is just one student or a group of students, students have the option to reserve a room to do research, study, or group assignments.

Podcast/Audio Recording Booth

Students seeking to curate audible content to showcase their works and ideas can use the Library’s Podcast/Audio Recording Booth to produce high-quality sound recordings.

Do You Need to Borrow A Thing?


Students at BMCC have the option to borrow essential tools needed for their scholastic experience. This includes books, iPads, laptops, Chromebooks, and hotspots. Also, students can borrow books from other CUNY libraries using the CLICS Intra-Campus Service; and books from libraries outside of CUNY using the Interlibrary Loan system (ILL).

Book Chapter Scanning Service

Students have the option to retrieve a scanned copy of any chapter of a book being used in an online and hybrid course at the library by request.

The Library Instruction Program is available to assist students with learning how to utilize library resources that support their research experiences such as One Search and EZ Proxy.


E-Reserves is a platform where students can access course materials at any time. Students can locate e-reserve materials by searching by a course number, course name, or instructor.

Need Some Help There?

Whether you need assistance with making a study room reservation, finding a peer-reviewed article, or how to cite a paper, students have the option of booking a one-on-one appointment with a librarian who will guide them on how to use a library resource of their need.

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