International travel allows you to experience different cultures, but vacations that are meant to be carefree and fun pose some threats as well. (1) Travelers and future travelers all over the world (2) sometime travel for the first time to places unknown without the important research needed about these destinations. (3) According to statista approximately 917 million people in 2022 traveled globally and it is estimated that between 20-30% of all human trafficking victims are trafficked while traveling according to the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime. (4) Travel Bot will be an app (5) that will give to the exact information needed to get to your desired location along with the information about sed place. All you would need to do is enter the dates, times, and locations needed and travel bot would do the rest. Providing flight times, safe taxis information, hotels and or hostels, best restaurants and over all places to go, Travel Bot would make traveling an easier and safer option for anyone. With Travel Bot’s vision to help safe travel it will also show warning notifications of what to be careful of in your travel destinations based off of news reports and other traveler’s reviews all within your touch of your fingertips. And what makes Travel Bot even better, 30% of proceeds will go to the #Strands Global Foundation, a foundation organized to combat human-trafficking all over the world. Looking to Travel but don’t know where to go, how to get there, and what to do? Travel Bot is the best app for you.