Communicating with Me

  1. In addition to my office hours, I am available by: 
    • cell phone at 917/318-3133, for voice call, text, What’s App, FaceTime, etc. 
    • email at;   
    • the Remind app, instructions on how to join the Remind app on Open Lab, in the ‘About this Class’ menu item under ‘Remind App. 
  2. I typically respond to emails or messages within 12 hours, so if I have not responded to you by then, please reach out again.
  3. I aim to provide feedback on work within 7 days after it has been submitted. 

I want you to be successful – in ECE 209, but more importantly in life! If any issue is preventing you from fully demonstrating your abilities or participating in our learning community, please contact me as soon as possible! We will work together to facilitate your success!