This class should be hard.
This class should be fun.
For a detailed list of practically everything, reread the syllabus, which you will find at the bottom of this page because frankly, it’s a bit much.
Meanwhile, here are some basics and FAQs and In Case of Fire Break Glass kinds of things:
Who’s Teaching This Class, Anyway?
Oh, hi, that’s me!
I am Jean Kahler — you can call me Jean or Professor Kahler, whichever you prefer. My first name is pronounced like blue jeans and my last name rhymes with sailor. I DO like it when you spell my name correctly on your papers.
I’ve been teaching at BMCC since 2012 and teaching in some way or other for a lot longer than that. I’ve taught little kids and big kids and college students and graduate students, at a lot of different schools. BMCC students are my favorite (and I’m not just saying that). Most of the time I teach writing and literature; I also teach history of healthcare, which I mention in case someone reading this is just dying for a lecture on what grits and tamales have to do with vitamin deficiency diseases….
I’ll introduce myself in more detail in this week’s discussion forum, but for now, here’s what I look like in a silly hat and mustache:
…and here’s what I look like in my teacher drag, heading to BMCC campus. Like Walt Whitman and all of you, I contain multitudes.