Defining good mental health

What is good mental health? Some psychologists theorized that before we can focus on improving our mental health, our basic needs must first be met. Abraham Mazlow created his hierarchy of needs, represented below with a pyramid. On the bottom, biggest level, are the purely physiological needs. The next step are the safety needs. These are considered to be basic needs for the human body to survive.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs pyramid. On the bottom are physiological needs like breathing, food, water, sleep. Then is safety, then love and belonging. The next level is esteem - self-esteem, achievement, confidence. On the top is self-actualization - morality, creativity, problem solving, lack of prejudice, acceptance of facts.
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After these basic needs, come psychological needs – social health and the feelings of love and belonging, and emotional/intellectual needs like self-esteem, achievement of goals, confidence, and respect of other people. At the very top is self-actualization, which is realizing one’s full potential.

Positive mental health includes these top three tiers of the pyramid. A person who is exhibiting positive mental health can get along with others, feels good about herself, is open to new ideas, and is able to cope with stress and negative emotions. Read more here and here

As with other dimensions of wellness, mental health exists on a continuum. On the one side is positive mental health, and on the other side is ill mental health or mental illness.

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