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Search for New York Under Threat and look for the full video. After watching it, answer the following questions:
What is the definition of a hundred-year storm? Why are scientists worried about them?
What are the 2 problems from climate change facing New York City listed in the movie?
List and describe at least 3 poor city planning decisions that have led to NYC being at risk from climate change?
What is the Big U? How will it protect NYC?
How do oysters help protect NYC?
What are some ways to make a water-proof building?
List and describe at least 2 ways that the public transportation system will be protected?
After watching the movie, do you think NYC will survive climate change challenges in the next 100 years? Why or why not? How do you think the city might change?
The immune system is a complex system of tissues, cells, and organs that detects and acts against threats to your health.
The first layer of protection we have against infections is our skin – it provides a physical barrier between your organs and systems and bacteria, viruses, parasites and toxins you may encounter. We also have complex microbiomes – microorganisms that exist on our skin, in our mouths and noses, and in our guts. The microbiome can protect us from certain illnesses. Finally, there are cells generated by the immune system (white blood cells like T-cells, B-cells, macrophages and others) and proteins (antibodies, cytokines and others).
Can you boost your immune system? Because it is quite complex, scientists are still unraveling all of the connections between our lifestyles and immune function. We do know there are certain behaviors that can help protect us from disease – avoiding exposures to chemicals like tobacco smoke, washing our hands, and others –
This video provides a short overview of coronaviruses.
SARS-CoV-2 is the virus that can cause COVID-19, the respiratory illness that is now pandemic. This is a novel virus, but it is related to other coronaviruses that sometimes cause seasonal colds, and have caused 2 other epidemics in the last two decades – SARS and MERS. Viruses are pieces of genetic material encased in a shell with binding proteins. They enter the body and invade our own cells in order to make copies of themselves. The below video gives a short explanation of how the coronavirus functions, but was made in March 2020, so does not contain up-to-date information on the pandemic.
The COVID-19 pandemic began at the end of 2019. It is a respiratory disease that has a relatively long incubation period (the period of time people don’t have symptoms even if they are infected), can spread even when people don’t have symptoms, seems to mainly spread through droplet and direct contact exposure, and can cause severe illness and death in some people. Find more detailed information here –
More information on SARS-CoV-2 variants is explained here:
Late in 2020, several vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 have been developed and 3 have been approved for use in the United States (with several others being used in other countries). Vaccines generally work by teaching your immune system to create antibodies which can attack the pathogen when you come in contact with it. There are two vaccines that have been approved by the FDA currently are both based on the mRNA or messenger RNA molecule. These molecules instruct your cells to make a protein on the surface of SARS-CoV-2 (the spike protein), which your immune system recognizes as a foreign body and begins to manufacture antibodies. Another vaccine made by J & J works by introducing another harmless virus (adenovirus) in order to bring pieces of SARS-CoV-2 to your immune system. Read more about the current vaccine research here
In 2022, vaccines have been approved for most age groups, we have had booster shots, wide-spread testing became possible, and treatments for COVID-19 have improved a lot. However, variants have continued to spread and have become more contagious and mitigation policies have mostly disappeared. We’ve understood the disease more and people continue to get sick and even die, but people and governments have mostly returned back to the lives we led before the pandemic started. People can still be more vulnerable to the disease, especially those who are immuno-compromised in some way, people who are getting treated for cancer, people living with chronic diseases, and others. An important issue for all is that a considerable percentage of people who get sick with COVID-19 can develop long-term symptoms, some debilitating. It is unfortunate that mitigation measures are no longer required and this disease is establishing itself as something we will continue to struggle with for years to come.
People can abuse drugs when they overuse them, often to the point of various negative consequences. They may start to feel withdrawal symptoms when they stop using the drug – mental, emotional or physical effects that happen because your brain has adapted to having the drug.
It is also possible to develop an addiction to substances. Addiction is a brain disease that is characterized by compulsive use and difficulties in controlling one’s behavior, despite negative consequences. Some people may exhibit tolerance to some substances as a result of use.
It is possible to treat drug abuse and addiction and there are several effective approaches. Scientists are working on innovative new ways to help people with addiction.
The American Psychological Association also recognizes one behavioral addiction – gambling disorder. While other things like compulsive buying, excess exercise, and too much internet use may not be considered addictions, they may nevertheless be distressing and cause people to feel out of control and suffer negative consequences.
STIs are conditions that are mainly spread from person-to-person sexual contact which can include oral, vaginal or anal intercourse, and other types of sexual contact. Prevention of STIs includes using barrier methods (condoms and dental dams), getting certain vaccines, and other behaviors. These infections are relatively common, half of all sexually active adults will get an STI by the age of 25 (according to –
There are many different STIs. Some are caused by bacteria and can be treated with antibiotics. These include chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis.
Others are caused by viruses and do not have a cure, though treatments may still be available. These STIs include herpes simplex I and II, human papillomavirus (HPV), and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Some strains of HPV can be prevented through vaccination. HIV infection can lead to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or AIDS if left untreated. However, people at risk for HIV infection can take a medication called Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP).
There are also fungal and parasitic infections like trichomoniasis and pubic lice. These infections are treatable with special medications.
Many STIs are asymptomatic or have symptoms that are not very specific like a fever. Thus, it is important to get regular STI tests if you are sexually active. Untreated STIs can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease. Some STIs may be extra dangerous during pregnancy. Men who have sex with men have a higher risk of getting an STI.
Fertility refers to the ability of someone to become pregnant or cause someone else to become pregnant. Some people may have trouble with becoming pregnant – this is called infertility and treatments are often available.
When sperm is present in the Fallopian tubes at the same time as an ovum (or egg), fertilization can occur. Read more about this process here – Home pregnancy tests are quite accurate and easily available and can often be used once a menstrual period is overdue.
There are several ways to help a pregnancy be as healthy as possible. Getting appropriate prenatal care, ensuring the right nutrients, avoiding drugs, and other behaviors are important. Some pregnancies are considered high risk and there are certain conditions that can develop during pregnancy, including pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, and others. Finding the right healthcare provider is also important. People may go to OB/Gyn doctors or family doctors for care. Another option is a Certified Nurse Midwife. Research shows that having a person present during the birth who can support the person in labor leads to better health outcomes for parents and babies – this can include a friend, family member, or partner, or a trained doula. Read more about healthcare professionals here –
Labor is the process of the fetus being born and has several stages. Labor can last a long time. There are many options for pain management which include medication, breathing techniques, moving, meditation, birthing tubs and others. Labor can result in vaginal delivery or a Cesarean section. Hear about the stages of labor here .
Post-partum care includes healing of any incisions or tears, pain management, assistance with breastfeeding and lactation, screening for post-partum depression and/or anxiety, and making sure people don’t develop post-partum complications like blood clots, hemorrhage and others. Typically, people go for a post-partum visit with their healthcare provider within six weeks of giving birth.
Humans are social animals – we need some level of social support and social networks in order to be fully healthy. We form relationships from birth and require things like love and nurturing in order to stay socially healthy.
Our first relationship is usually with family – they raise us, they teach us, and they model love. We learn our communication patterns and coping skills from family, whether it is a mother and father, a single parent, a grandparent or aunt/uncle, an adoptive family, or a foster family.
There are several different conceptions of love. One is Dr. Robert Sternberg’s triangular theory of love, which identifies three main components: intimacy, passion and commitment. Different types of relationships may exhibit different types of love.
Dr. Helen Fisher has studying what happens in the brain during love – see the video below.
From Bioscope, HUG (Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève), DIP (Département de l’Instruction Publique), Odile Fillod
Some penises are circumcised and some are not. If parents choose to do this for their infants, they will usually do it very close to birth. There are cultural and religious reasons for circumcision, and there may be health benefits, but routine circumcision is no longer recommended in the United States.
People with testes should do a testicular self-exam monthly. Other care for reproductive health includes HPV vaccination, regular STI exams if they are sexually active with another person, and contraception if they engage in sexual activity with people who may get pregnant.
The main hormone produced by testes is testosterone (though all people produce both estrogen and testosterone). This hormone is responsible for many things like sex drive, sexual development and maturity, and so on.
While the Earth is covered in water, most of that water is not useful for human consumption. Globally, we are already suffering from fresh water shortages and water contamination issues.
Our oceans are vital for regulating global temperature, providing a food source for humans, and providing oxygen in the atmosphere. However, human activity has put the ocean’s food web at risk and increased other effects that can be harmful to our health, like harmful algae blooms. We are also responsible for pollution in the ocean, including plastics, and oil spills. Read more here –
You may have heard the term global warming, or the more current term climate change. But how can this affect our help? And what is it, exactly?
The Earth’s climate fluctuates, as can be seen in the history of our ice ages. However, right now we are experiencing a period of global temperature rise, which has led to many other changes in our climate. Most scientists believe that at least some part of the global warming effect has been due to human-made changes like the burning of fossil fuel, land use, and industry.
All of these factors will also lead to increased migration all over the world, as crop yield decreases, temperatures increase, coasts flood, and wild fires and other environmental disasters push people out. This may lead to concentration of people in urban areas, with attendant issues like poverty, violence, gang activity, and others. Read more here –
You may have had health insurance for a long time, you may be covered under your parents’ plan, you may get it through Medicaid or Medicare, or maybe you don’t have it. But what is health insurance?
Most of the time, if you can get a health insurance plan through your employer, that will be a better deal than getting it on your own. What should you look for when trying to select a plan? Consider a few things as well – do you have a known chronic condition? What is your budget for healthcare? Are you generally healthy and don’t visit the doctor often?
You may be eligible for a plan through Medicaid or Medicare (if you are over 65 years of age).
You may also decide to shop for a plan through the marketplace established by the Affordable Care Act – the New York State marketplace is here. Some information for young adults and about the essential plan can be found on the site.
Healthcare costs in the US are very high, usually much too high for an individual to afford. This video explains some reasons why.