Fertility refers to the ability of someone to become pregnant or cause someone else to become pregnant. Some people may have trouble with becoming pregnant – this is called infertility and treatments are often available.
When sperm is present in the Fallopian tubes at the same time as an ovum (or egg), fertilization can occur. Read more about this process here – https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/pregnancy/how-pregnancy-happens. Home pregnancy tests are quite accurate and easily available and can often be used once a menstrual period is overdue.
Pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks from implantation and is the process of two cells which have combined (sperm and egg) becoming a full grown fetus. Read about the changes each month of pregnancy here – https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/pregnancy/pregnancy-month-by-month.
There are several ways to help a pregnancy be as healthy as possible. Getting appropriate prenatal care, ensuring the right nutrients, avoiding drugs, and other behaviors are important. Some pregnancies are considered high risk and there are certain conditions that can develop during pregnancy, including pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, and others. Finding the right healthcare provider is also important. People may go to OB/Gyn doctors or family doctors for care. Another option is a Certified Nurse Midwife. Research shows that having a person present during the birth who can support the person in labor leads to better health outcomes for parents and babies – this can include a friend, family member, or partner, or a trained doula. Read more about healthcare professionals here – https://www.parents.com/pregnancy/giving-birth/labor-support/which-birth-professional-is-right-for-you/.
Labor is the process of the fetus being born and has several stages. Labor can last a long time. There are many options for pain management which include medication, breathing techniques, moving, meditation, birthing tubs and others. Labor can result in vaginal delivery or a Cesarean section. Hear about the stages of labor here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=samWyTjFmS8 .
Post-partum care includes healing of any incisions or tears, pain management, assistance with breastfeeding and lactation, screening for post-partum depression and/or anxiety, and making sure people don’t develop post-partum complications like blood clots, hemorrhage and others. Typically, people go for a post-partum visit with their healthcare provider within six weeks of giving birth.