Dietary supplements

Products like vitamins, minerals, enzymes, proteins, fats, and others are often sold in pharmacies and specialized stores. These products are often labeled as dietary supplements – .

Do you need to take these for your health?

Your doctor may have recommended that you take a particular supplement, like Vitamin D, because your blood may have shown to have an insufficient quantity of this important nutrient. You can also easily find a variety of consumer products on your own, with lots of claims about how they can help your health. It is important that you use these products wisely –

Studies have shown some benefits for particular substances for specific health-related conditions, however, there is not a magic pill out there that will keep you healthy and prevent all diseases.

A nice visualization that condenses a lot of research into dietary supplements based on scientific studies is here Hover and click on each bubble to see the evidence. Before taking any product, it is important to do some research.

Dietary supplements are also regulated differently by the Food and Drug Administration – they do not have to be proven to be effective to prevent, treat, or diagnose any health condition. Be wary of claims on the package, since many are not supported by scientific evidence.

Another concern is that supplements can interact with any other medication you may be taking. Some of those interactions may be concerning – check if there are any interactions here

How can you eat healthier?

Over the years, dietary recommendations have changed and some people may find the rapid changes confusing.

The United States Department of Agriculture has created a simple guide to healthier eating called MyPlate – read more here

My Plate graphic showing that half your plate should be fruits and vegetables, about a quarter should be grains, and another quarter proteins. There is also a place for dairy.

The dietary guidelines are updated every year. The key recommendations about healthy eating patterns can be found here –

Another way to eat healthy is illustrated with the Healthy Eating Plate from Harvard University’s School of Public Health –

Image of a plate with half fruits and vegetables (more vegetables than fruit), whole grains are about a quarter and healthy proteins are another quarter. In this image, there is also water, and healthy plant-based oils.

There are benefits to choosing a diet that is full of plant-based foods. In fact, vegetarian diets have been linked to better health –

Better nutrition is linked to better health. Listen to a podcast with six simple rules for better eating here –

  • Eat more nuts and seeds
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables
  • Eat more healthy Omega-3 fats
  • Eat less processed meats – these have been linked to colorectal cancer
  • Eat less sodium – too much can lead to high blood pressure
  • Eat less added sugar – these are empty calories

Eating right is one part of maintaining and improving your physical health –

When you are shopping for food, you can make wiser choices by looking at the nutritional label. These labels contain information on the serving size, and the amount of calories and nutrients per serving. It is important to pay attention to the serving size of the food – many people will eat more than one serving at a time, this is called portion size. Portion control is important for sticking to your dietary goals. You may see one of the labels below – some have switched to a newer format.

Nutrition label showing information on calories, fats, sodium, carbohydrates, proteins and select vitamins and minerals (older format)
Older format of nutrition label
Newer format of dietary label containing information on calories, fats, sodium, carbohydrates, proteins and select vitamins and minerals.
Newer format of nutrition label

It is also important to read ingredients lists of the foods. This can give you a clue about whether the product contains some beneficial items like whole grains, or some harmful products like trans fats (these are often labeled as partially hydrogenated fats).

In general, try to have a diet that is adequate and moderate, balanced and nutrient-dense. Stay away from empty calories. As the writer Michael Pollan says, “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.”

What are your favorite ways to improve your diet? Write a comment below.

What is nutrition?

The science of food which concerns itself with how food and its components play a role in our health is called nutrition.

Humans need food and water to survive. The main constituents of food that are needed for life are energy, measured as calories, and nutrients – macro-nutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) and micro-nutrients (vitamins and minerals). Macro-nutrients are energy-containing nutrients and produce energy when they break down in the body via a process called metabolism.

Water is vital for staying healthy and hydrated. Our bodies need water to maintain pH balance, to transport molecules from place to place, and many other functions. Read more here – You can get fluids from all beverages, as well as many fruits and vegetables.

Some basic information on nutrition can be found here –

Calories are a measure of energy that your body uses every day. Calorie needs vary by age, sex, and activity level. Find out the right number of calories for you here –

Micronutrients – Vitamins and minerals

Vitamins are organic substances that are either water-soluble or fat-soluble. They have names like Vitamin A, B, C, and so on. There are many B vitamins. One type of B vitamin, B12, is mainly found in animal products, so people following vegetarian or vegan diets may need to take supplements.

Minerals are inorganic elements needed either in fairly large amounts (macro minerals, measured in milligrams), or very tiny ones (trace minerals). Read more about vitamins and minerals here –

This site lists all necessary vitamins and minerals and labels certain ones that are of concern, either because we don’t get enough (vitamin D, folate, iron) or because we get too much (sodium). For many Americans, it may be important to pay attention to their sodium consumption, since too much can lead to health problems.

Some of the best sources of many vitamins and minerals are fruit and vegetables. It is better to eat these whole, rather than as juices. There are many health benefits to diets that have many and varied fruit and vegetables – Try to eat the rainbow! Fruit and vegetables also have beneficial phytonutrients – chemicals that are linked to better health.

Image showing variety of fruits and vegetables.


Proteins are the building blocks of life. In the body, they are important for making blood, bones, skin, muscles and cartilage, as well as various chemicals like hormones – Proteins break down into amino acids. There are 9 essential amino acids – we must get them through food as the body doesn’t make them.

We get amino acids from eating foods rich in protein, like those found in the Protein and Dairy food groups. Animal-based foods tend to be complete proteins – they have all 9 amino acids (meat, seafood, eggs, dairy). Incomplete proteins come from plant-based foods (beans and peas, known as legumes; seeds and nuts; and whole grains), but these foods can be combined to ensure that we are getting everything we need.

Image shows that grains, seeds, legumes and dairy can be combined to make sure you get 9 essential amino acids

How much protein do you need? For an adult, you need about 0.8 g per kg of body weight. Read more here – Most of us in the United States are getting enough or more than enough protein in our diets. There are times when we may need to get more – when one is pregnant, recovering from an illness or suffering from an injury.


Fats are necessary for life and thus are an essential macro-nutrient. However, there are different types of dietary fats and research shows that some may be better for us than others.

Some ways to consume fats in a healthier way include choosing plant-based oils and lower amounts of animal-based fats in your diet. Find more information here –

Image explains 4 ways to get good fats - eat more fish, nuts, avocado, and cooking oils that are lower in saturated fats.
From American Heart Assocation

A healthy eating pattern includes some Oils, which are not a food group. Some oils can be found in the Vegetables (avocados and olives) and Protein (nuts and seeds) food groups.


One type of macro-nutrients is carbohydrates. They are an important source of energy. They can be either simple, like sugars, or complex, like starch and fiber. Read more about them here –

In the MyPlate eating plan, carbohydrates are often found in the Grains food group, as well as Fruit, Vegetables and even Protein (mainly in the form of fiber in legumes and nuts/seeds.

You can listen to a short podcast about carbs and calories here –

One way that we can improve our diets is by eating fewer added sugars. Too much sugar can have a negative effect on our health. Another thing you can do is switch from refined flours to whole grain – these types of grains have many benefits to your health.


Content warning: suicide and self-harm

When people direct harm against themselves and die because of it, this is called suicide. Suicide is the second leading cause of death for people aged 19-24 and the third leading cause of death for children aged 15-18.

There are many risk factors for suicide, including a history or family history of mental illness, family violence, and having a gun in the home – read more here

Often, people thinking about harming themselves give indications, whether directly or indirectly. They may talk about planning something, or make references to harming themselves. Their moods and behaviors may change. They may start to use alcohol and drugs more.

If you or someone you know is experiencing these thoughts or feelings, getting help right away is vital. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline can be found here and at 1-800-273-8255. To find a mental health provider near you, go to SAMHSA’s site – or check with your health insurance.

Stigma and mental illness

Content warning: suicide and abuse

There are certain times when mental illness becomes national news – when a celebrity or someone with a high profile mentions they are suffering, when someone in the public eye dies by suicide, and when there are news of mass shootings. While it is important that people speak up about and normalize their mental health, just like any other dimensions of their health, the fact is that a societal stigma against people with mental illness persists.

Dr. Freidman writes about mental illness stigma and why it needs to be a national priority here – .

Stereotypes about people suffering with mental illness persist and can lead to a delay in people seeking help, social isolation, and a higher risk of suicide. Check your understanding about mental illness with this quiz.

You can help combat stigma by speaking up when you hear harmful stereotypes about people with mental illness, and by reaching out to those in your life who may be in need of support.

Mental illness

Mental illnesses are medical conditions that affect a person’s thoughts, feelings, moods and behaviors. Find out more about mental health basics here Make sure to click through Mental Health Basics, Types of Mental Illness, and Fast Facts.

There are many classified mental disorders – these are described in detail in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, the DSM-V. Some of the more common ones include anxiety disorders, mood disorders, attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and many others.

Mental disorders are quite common in the United States – about one in five adults live with mental illness. Read more about the prevalence of these conditions here at the National Institute of Mental Health Some more facts are found here – . It’s important to note that many people living with mental illness do not get treatment. Also, note that people who are homeless, incarcerated, and suffering substance use disorder are more likely to have mental illness.

Some of the causes and risk factors of mental illness may be traumatic life events, biological factors like age and sex, chronic health conditions like diabetes or cancer, and feeling socially isolated.

Treatment for mental illness is possible. There are many professionals who can help. If you want to seek help, this guide can help – . You can start with your primary care provider, and they may then refer you to a specialist. This may be a psychiatrist – a medical doctor who can prescribe appropriate medications, should they be necessary. It may also be a psychologist, licensed counselor, or social worker, depending on the type of help you may need.