I hope you did great in your finals if you took any classes.
Enjoy your winter vacation and have a great New Year.
I will still available to meet on Zoom if you have not yet been advised . Please email me hayyad@bmcc.cuny.edu to get advised.
For advisement via email please fill out this form:https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=s_BgbwZfCU6XFZiduozH2It37CL65S5Dqs7NuEthC8VUMlVZUlJZS1dSV0lRWDhWVkVTVjJCWlVDTy4u
If you have been advised and have not yet registered please register today. You can join the panther station Zoom if you need help with registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdGaghDZO9ZJtVsCt7gV32j0jp1Di7rUtgXhX5xZd1BaQ6sng/viewform