Category Archives: Reflection 13

Shanice Brown Reflection 13

In this week’s assignment I learned that there’s a creative way activists use art to draw attention to social and political issues that require change. This creative expression Bnb of activism art captures the tension of individuals. Activism Art encouraged the audience to engage in the discussion towards new change and problems that are currently being faced. The goal is to get viewed to engage in discussions, debates, and reflections, facilitating a deeper understanding of complex problems and potential solutions. Activism art gives artist the opportunity to not be silenced or overlooked because they get to share stories and demands that haven’t been heard or recognized. Activism Art encourages people to think and reflect on social and political issues that need change. My two activism’s Art I chose was by Tatyana Fazlalizadeh which was very powerful to me because it is based on true situations that are happening today to women in society. For example one of the Art work Is a graffiti art with three women from different countries with a message saying “women are people not just bodies” with all this rod v wade document leak law many women are not able to make a choice on having an abortion because it is banned which is very unfair women should have the right to control their own body and make decisions based on it without anyone interfering with this. 

Josue Vasquez Reflection #13

The Supreme Court has released a draft majority opinion from Chief Justice John Roberts, which includes a notation that it was circulated among the justices on Feb. 10. If adopted, it would rule in favor of Mississippi in the closely watched case over Mississippi’s attempt to ban most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. Roberts confirmed the authenticity of the draft opinion and ordered an investigation into the disclosure. The draft opinion runs 98 pages and includes citations to previous court decisions, books and other authorities. The Supreme Court is considering a decision to overturn the 1973 Roe decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which would overturn a decision by the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals that found the Mississippi law ran afoul of Supreme Court precedent by seeking to ban abortions before viability. A George W. Bush appointee, Alito, argues that the 1973 abortion rights ruling was an ill-conceived and deeply flawed decision that invented a right mentioned nowhere in the Constitution and unwisely sought to wrench the contentious issue away from the political branches of government. Alito’s draft ruling would overturn a decision by the New Orleans-based 5th Circuit Court of Appeals that found the Mississippi law ran afoul of Supreme Court precedent by seeking to effectively ban abortions before viability. Alito’s draft opinion overrules Roe and Casey’s decisions to regulate or prohibit abortion, using caustic rhetorical flourishes and mocking the majority opinion in Roe. He skewers the “viability” distinction between fetuses not capable of living outside the womb and those which can, and describes doctors and nurses as “abortionists”. Justice Clarence Thomas used the word “abortionist” 25 times in a solo dissent.

amaris mujica 14 reflection 13

  • What did you learn from the readings from this week and/or what were you reminded of that you think is important to keep in mind right now?

Abortion is a different in every religion .A women has her own right and feminism will support. Identifying what Pro-life is important becaue you cannot agree with one thing but also with another which is the opposite of what you first agreed on.Pro-life is taking a choice away from an individual 

“people should be able to do what they wanna do, express themselves, and be free”

Yes, females should be able to do what ever they want with their bodies and they should not change their opinions based on how others feel. Nobody has the right to judge for making the decision of aborting. If a female wants to abort is for a good reason of their own and it should not bother anyone because of the end of the day it will be the mother taking care of that kid. Sometimes circumstances such as money or our surroundings prevents us from bring a baby to this earth that’s why wome females abort because not only are they thinking for themselves but also looking out for that babsy future. Why would I bring a baby to this world if I know I cannot provide all the things it needs, if I do not have time, if the person I was with is not going to be a good father.  A female who cannot give birth for what ever reason should not hav ethe right to talk about abortions neither should a men. Last year I watched how the senate was passing a law in many states about banning abortions and a big amount of young girls appointments were cancelled. What If they were raped, why should they keep a baby that will remind them of their rape? And lastly feminism who support females right should not be against abortions because the definition of feminism is for women to have freedom when they talk, to be heard and about their body.

Kat Gawin Art Activism Reflection #13

Art always should have something to say, in my opinion. It must move us or concern us. We need artist activists to let people realize what we hope to look at matters that affect us. Regular art should not be “pretty” and only decorative ether; people should demand more from art. Like we demand from politicians, police, etc. We don’t always have to do it, but to shape the dignity of an individual and a society, we can. In “Why Artistic Activism,” Stephen Duncombe and Steve Lambert reflect on a couple of great points:to make a change, to have a meaning, it’s nothing new, to connect with others, to build new possibilities, and more. ArtActivism can be powerfully critical!
Activism will never be just a hobby or something to do. Activists make a difference with action and always have something critical to say. The action via art can be in social media memes, posters, poetry stands, pins on T-Shirts, documentary movies, and, yes, paintings and theater plays….. Anyone can do it. You don’t need to be a fine art or history major to do it, but if you have an idea, you can express it only by emphasizing your opinion. Opinions about contemporary problems are sometimes visible in social media, marches, modern prose, anger at schools, and on the street in forms of gravity or songs. Art Activism isn’t precisely described as a clean, polite art form of expression. It’s not meant to give visuals, please, but to say what’s wrong around us.
Activists can change a rule of an artist. A scientist can explain how global warming is affecting the earth, and an artist can do a project where he asks people to speak to the earth and explain new modern behavior. These two very different forms of communication can help us understand the danger of higher temperatures and how our earth is a friend we need to care about. One of my favorite activist artists is JR-he is terrific!

Reading reflection, 13

After reading the articles “Telemedicine Abortion Provider Rebecca Gomperts Gets Abortion Pills Into the Hands of Those Who Need Them: ‘It’s a Privilege'” by Carrie N. Baker and “Supreme Court has voted to overturn abortion rights, draft opinion shows” by Josh Gerstein and Alexander Ward, I have gained some insights into the current state of abortion access and reproductive rights.

The first article focuses on Rebecca Gomperts, a telemedicine abortion provider committed to ensuring that individuals needing abortion pills can access them safely and effectively. Gomperts believes that providing access to abortion is a privilege and a matter of reproductive justice. She utilizes telemedicine to reach individuals who live in areas with limited abortion services, allowing them to receive the care they need without physically visiting a clinic. This approach helps to overcome barriers such as distance, cost, and restrictive laws that hinder access to safe abortion. Gomperts’ work highlights the importance of innovative solutions in expanding reproductive healthcare and empowering individuals to make choices about their bodies.

The second article analyzes the Supreme Court’s likely decision to repeal abortion rights, suggested by a draft ruling. The development raises issues about how reproductive rights will develop in the US. If abortion rights were limited or eliminated, there would be serious repercussions for those who seek access to safe and legal abortions. It will have a negative effect on groups that already face barriers to healthcare access, including low-income individuals, persons of color, and residents of rural regions. The continuous struggles for reproductive justice and the requirement for continual campaigning to safeguard and increase access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare are highlighted by the potential loss of abortion rights.

Both articles highlight the importance of ensuring reproductive rights and access to abortion services. They shed light on the innovative approaches providers like Rebecca Gomperts took to overcome barriers and provide safe abortions remotely. Simultaneously, the second article serves as a reminder that the political landscape and court decisions can significantly impact reproductive rights and the ability to access essential healthcare services. These articles call for ongoing efforts to protect and advocate for reproductive rights, including supporting telemedicine solutions and staying engaged in the fight for comprehensive reproductive healthcare for all individuals.

Mame Leye Discussion#14

The topic I will be discussing is a sensitive one, given the varying perspectives people hold. However, based on my beliefs and religion, I will be addressing it. In the Islamic faith, abortion is prohibited. While Islam is generally lenient about abortion, the acceptability of terminating a pregnancy depends on factors such as the threat to the mother’s well-being, the stage of the pregnancy before or after ensoulment (at the 120th day of gestation), and the presence of fetal anomalies incompatible with life. There is significant variation in religious rulings, but most Islamic scholars concur that ending a pregnancy due to fetal abnormalities is permissible before ensoulment. Afterward, abortion is deemed entirely forbidden, except in cases where the mother’s life is at risk or there is confirmed intrauterine death. Islam values life and encourages parenthood. Nonetheless, the faith acknowledges that life can be complicated, and there are situations where abortion may be necessary, such as in cases of rape or to save the mother’s life.

Adam Saidi Reflection#13

I am a believer which makes me personally follow my region, but I also do believe that to each his own and everyone should just follow whatever they feel okay with without the judgment of anyone or being declined to those decisions, I think if you are not the one providing my foods, drinks and just living expense you should not have any right with what I should be doing with my life or body. When looking it up at Pew Research Center it stated that “One-in-five Americans (21%) say abortion should be illegal at six weeks. This includes 8% of adults who say abortion should be illegal in all cases without exception as well as 12% of adults who say that abortion should be illegal at this point. Additionally, 6% say abortion should be illegal in most cases and how long a woman has been pregnant should not matter in determining abortion’s legality. Nearly one-in-five respondents, when asked whether abortion should be legal six weeks into a pregnancy, say “It depends.” Even though I am against abortion it’s crazy to me those that who do not follow religion or anything have to listen to strangers with whatever they should be deciding for their bodies. 

Donya-Shae Gordon- Reading Reflection 13

One of the most contentious issues is abortion. While some people are in favor of the mother’s right to choose an abortion, others are against it. A pregnancy can be ended through abortion. Most people used to view abortion as the murder of a child or as a kind of child abuse. However, in today’s society, abortion is seen as giving the mother more chances for a brighter future and avoiding a kid from ruining a mother’s life. From the beginning of time, abortion has been, and always will be, a contentious issue. Recently Roe V Wade was overturn in several states. Both the media and protesters are addressing it locally. The Journal of Public Health Management and Practice by State and Local Health Department Activities states that there are regional organizations that support women in making informed abortion decisions. There are numerous groups nationwide that promote abortion. The Center for Reproductive Rights, the Feminist Majority Foundation, NARAL Pro-Choice America, the National Abortion Federation, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, and many others are pro-choice organizations that support women’s access to safe and humane abortions, according to pro-choice organizations. Wwomen should have ownership over their bodies and be able to shape them whatever they see fit. For instance, a woman might have been in a nonconsensual relationship and ended up becoming pregnant as one of the governmentReasons women choose to get abortions. It might be against her culture or religion, she might be too young, or both. This is a feminist problem because it affects women, and feminists can support either side of the debate, despite the fact that most of the time they are perceived as being against abortion laws.

Discussion 14- Abortion

Where to even begin on this topic… I am enraged to see that individuals still want to have a right over a woman’s body and making her own choices. Abortion should be left for one person to decide and one person only, and that is… the woman pregnant herself whether or not she chooses to continue to have the baby or not. What sucks about this topic is that not everyone truly looks into the close details about this… the different reasons that women may decide to either choose to keep a baby or not. some more personal than others, but truly, cannot believe that we are living in a world that this is a debate. Watching the videos on medical intakes where you have to answer such ridiculous questions just to get financial help is sad…. I dont believe such decisions should require so much questioning. I understand that it is a medical procedure that will require some form of financial sacrifice, but if you prove unable to afford an abortion how can they deny that and then expect the woman to afford a baby? -sometimes I feel like if the roles were changed (Men were the ones getting pregnant) i am sure abortions would not be a such a debate. Taking rights away from women from their own bodies just feels like once again, men wanting to be in control. Although these decisions are being made by all types of people, trying to revoke some of the rights is absolutely insane to me. It is sad to see the world continue to go backwards.

When I read about the ten female performance artists and their activism, it was shocking and inspiring. Knowing how each of them demonstrated activism and freedom, I wish I could find an article about each of them.  Tania Bruguera’s performance art would have probably threatened the Cuban government for him to be arrested.  Tania’s artwork made me think of the musician Fela Anikulapo, who fights for complete liberation and real democracy. Due to the threat, his music posed to the Nigerian government and the killing of his mother by Nigerian soldiers in 1977, Fela was frequently detained and assaulted.

Furthermore, Maria Everlia Marmolejo’s artwork, in which she depicted the position of women and the “concurrent political oppression in her native Colombia”, really impressed me. The patriarchy has been one of the main contributors to women’s oppression and exploitation, which seems to never end. Women are consistently placed in a situation that encourages gender-based social role stereotyping.

In Nigeria, an annual ritual is carried out in Osun state, where a virgin woman leads a group of people through the city and then to the stream while bearing a calabash on her head that is said to contain a ritual used to appease the goddess.