My name is Liliana. I was born and raised in Bronx, New York. I am 19 and my major is theater. I love reading and shopping. My favorite thing is to pick out outfits and go out with my friends. I love being outside. I can’t stay home for too long. I hate math and everything that deals with numbers except money. I am a very picky eater and I love eating routine foods. Chipotle is definitely my addiction. Also I love chocolate ice cream In the future I hope to be in acting. I am willing to be in any part of it which includes directing, cleaning, script writing and being in the play itself. I want to gain experience in any way that I can. I hope to one day be in a movie or a play. A tv show would work for me too. Acting for me is so fun. I love to step out of myself and be in a fantasy world. Its like reading a book. I love everything fantasy because it gives you a break from a mostly stressful reality. I am open to all pronouns. (he,she,they). I like to dress differently and do my hair differently so I like to be referred to differently based on that. I am taking this course not only because its a requirement but because I generally am interested in the topics of gender and society. I love controversial topics. I am very forward and will state my opinion always. I stand up for what’s right.