Privilege and Oppression are fueled through systems and the participation of society. Privilege is unearned access or advantages granted to specific groups of people because of their membership in a social group. Privilege can be based on various social identities such as race, gender, religion, socioeconomic status, ability status, sexuality, age, education level, and more. Oppression is the unfair or cruel use of power to control another person or group. The term is often used in a context to refer to the oppression of minority groups such as women and racial minorities. In America we deal with many forms of oppression in our daily lives, different groups of people are more oppressed than others. There are social justice groups who try to maintain to be the voice for the voiceless during times when privilege and oppression are shown.
Being a female I deal with the oppression of women which has been a constant throughout American history. White women in the upper middle and working class saw a correlation between the oppression of slaves and the oppression they faced as women, both treated as inferiors in society. Men have always been known as being the dominant race, especially white males in America. Women had to fight for the right to vote and work. There was a period in time when women weren’t allowed to own property and had to hand over their money to their husbands. Women were always just known as a wife, caregivers, and only good enough to tend a house. At times it still feels as if men think of women as just that, the article Oppression by Marilyn Frye says “harassed by men who try things or flatten them or reduce them in bulk, to persuade her into it and pressure her to”relax” and “let her hair down”; men just think women need to be sexual at all times. While walking down the street women have to deal with being catcalled.
In the reading White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack by Peggy Mcintosh she says ” I think whites are carefully taught not to recognize white privilege, as males are taught not to recognize male privilege”. These stood out to me because without acknowledgment and taking accountability there can’t be a change. The case of the innocent killing of Trayvon Martin and the murder of George Zimmerman reminds me a lot of White privilege here in America. Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin because he had a hoodie on while he was walking back home from getting snacks from the store. Zimmerman appointed himself as the “neighborhood watch” and said he felt as if Trayvon Martin was up to no good because of how he looked. Unfortunately, he was found not guilty of the brutal killing, instead juror of “his kind” found him innocent due to the verdict of self-defense. In America that shouldn’t be a shock anymore that White men will walk from a brutal crime while African American men do jail time. Cyntoia Brown was found guilty and spent 15 years behind bars after receiving a life sentence at 16 years old. Cyntoia Brown killed 43-year-old real estate agent Johnny Allen, who paid to have sex with her, Brown says the murder happen in self-defense when trying to escape him. The juror didn’t find her innocent or as a victim in her case as they did Zimmerman, white man privilege was at the forefront, and for Cyntoia Brown being African American woman the odds were against her.
I viewed oppression and privilege differently before reading these two articles. I didn’t know privilege came in different groups I believe it was just race driven. I took the time to also read When privilege and oppression intersect. When I first began reading it I thought it was from the point of view of a black male on campus, I was stunned when it turned out to be a white male who is blind. The article made me feel as though privilege and oppression can intersect at times. In order to start to begin with a change where everyone feels equal first it has to be accepted. There are many social justice groups that are fighting for their rights and some even interact with one another beliefs. There’s a group known as Fighting Hate a non-profit organization monitoring the activities of domestic hate groups and other extremists. Privilege and Oppression steams from the hate people give