This week’s readings were interesting to read because of how relatable it was. When Mainardi explained how men do not truly see women, rather they criticize them if they do not fit their mold of what a woman should be whilst disregarding our existence. It’s interesting because I often hear men say that women have to deal with so much, regarding their menstrual cycle and giving childbirth but yet they still have a complex and mansplain women. Incidentally, I do believe that men could handle being a woman, I believe they would fold like a cheap suit. I also enjoyed reading about how men do not take the time to understand a women’s anatomy, they sort of just assume that our orgasm comes about the way theirs does, when in fact that female vagina is extremely complex. I found it comical when Koedt spoke about surgery to modify our female genitalia, as though it is impossible to take the time to understand but even more-so, as though it is us that are defective and not built appropriately.
Crystal Cordero Reflection 8
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