Discussion 12

Ivan De Los Santos

Prof. Hollis Glaser

GWS 100-1300

Discussion 12

What surprised you in the readings and film?

Well, people think of menstruation in society. Transgender people are based around something that is not factual when it comes to the access that they have to be able to go to the hospital and get the appropriate Health Care is one thing that shocked me about the readings and the film because everybody should be able to have access or even have the proper Health Care for when they need to be seen by a doctor certain people shouldn’t be discriminated or pressed because we do live in the land of the free. Still, it also explains the societal norms that are going on.

What connections could you find across the readings and film?

The connections I could find across the readings in the film is that certain people feel alone and don’t have that support system, whether that is Healthcare or Society. For example, one that stood out to me was the Indian Community because they look at Hope based on physical attributes. For instance, in race, another prominent example is Community; it feels like transgender people are put on the back burner, and people in that Community don’t care about them as much. So if that being said, I feel like this has to change not only in the Indian Community but in society in general because all this oppression and discrimination against a group of people shouldn’t happen in 2023. 

How does the format in which the stories are shared impact your understanding of medical oppression and other aspects of gender we have discussed this semester?

It made me think of medical oppression in a whole different light because if I had to use myself. As an example, I’ve never had to go through that because the healthcare that I use covers everything for me, so I’m thankful to say that I have not gone through that bye to see how terrifying it is to people that don’t have any Healthcare or feeling oppressed by the medical system because for example if you are going to something life-threatening and society. Hospitals are not giving you the treatment you dese. That’s a problem, and I feel people need to stop looking for a reason not to like people because we are all one, ace, and we should all be one.

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