Donya-Shae Gordon- Reading Reflection 12

In order to convey their ideas, legitimize their identities, and publicize their fights, activists use art. They refer to themselves as ARTivists to highlight the sometimes ignored overlap between the two. However, activists have been making art to progress themselves and their communities long before the name “activist” was invented. These people symbolize community, albeit from a solitary perspective, at an era when art, institutions, and cultural producers are frequently condemned for failing to take a stand. They continuously put themselves out there by using photos, messaging, or a combination of both to communicate with us visually. They combine information and data through editing, aesthetics, and composition in a way that is both easily digestible and communicable and can be produced for mass distribution. The autobiographical elements of many of the pieces in this exhibition support the exhibition’s central thesis that the advocate and the creator are inextricably linked. It can be challenging to distinguish the problems and causes from the artist’s personal identity in many situations.The rebellious act of speaking out can inspire the public or those in authority to enact change, even when art by itself cannot directly alter policy or legislation. The pieces in Articulating Activism show how effective art can be in promoting social equality and fighting against repressive social norms. They do this by giving these battles a voice and bringing them to light on a worldwide scale.

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