Donya-Shae Gordon- Discussion 14

Women should have access to abortions. The government should assist with these expenditures because not all women can afford to have an abortion, let alone a child; otherwise, poverty and abandoned children may rise. Abortions and birth control have been more prevalent since the epidemic than most people may realize. Many women must travel for abortions, and the pandemic is making this difficult for them. Roe v. Wade shouldn’t be overturned because each person has the right to decide what to do with their own body. Abortions performed at home are risky for mothers and should not be encouraged. For those who require it, abortion needs to be made more accessible. Having the child outright would be more expensive than getting an abortion. This is why the government should be assisting to pay for the one abortion rather than attempting to assist a family who couldn’t afford to have a kid but had no other alternative because it was difficult to come up with the abortion money on the spot. They are getting ready to do whatever they can before abortions are outlawed in the event that Roe v. Wade is reversed. By constructing this larger facility, they have increased their capacity to provide abortion assistance to women from other states. Some women must travel in order to receive an abortion. Even though it could just be a few hours away, the majority of women have to go to entirely separate states. Due to the pandemic, the majority of women are currently unable to travel, making birth control and abortions difficult to obtain. It should be possible to order abortion drugs by mail. Patients must obtain the two medications from a clinic before being simply sent home with them. There are organizations of women who assist other women in obtaining abortions in countries where doing so is prohibited. Abortions of any kind are prohibited in El Salvidor, whose laws are so harsh that even women who miscarry can receive sentences of up to 30 years in prison.

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