Discussion #3 – Beyond The Gender Binary

When reading the sections of this book, I find it very interesting that Alok answers questions i’ve asked myself quietly in my mind be answered. Additionally, some of the comments that are made that may sound ridiculous but 100% real to face. In some I realize I am still not fully aware of all the meaning behind it and I am open and willing to learn.

In my opinion, I allow others to choose what they want with their lives. If someone approaches me and communicates with me “hey, this is my name and this is what I would like to be referred as” then who am I to decide not to? It’s basic manners and respect.. We all are aware that we have reached a time in generations where we will face differences in our everyday encounters. In this reading, I understand that it is more than just tolerance but acceptance that is wanted and deserved. Gender is about self-expression and should not be something an individual is categorized by.

If I have accepted to refer to myself as a female, therefore a cisgender woman. Does that stop me from deciding to wear a suit and tie for a family event, work out until I have big biceps, grow a mustache, and have a love for racecars? Absolutely not! Why? Because those are considered hobbies and preferences that should not be correlated to any gender but unfortunately we live in a society that connects those.

When mentioned that skirts are comfortable in the summer time…AGREED! Now who is socially acceptable to be seen in one? If you think of an answer other than ANYONE! Then we start to think…. what is the problem?

I agree that unfortunately, we are still following certain things out of habits and choosing to follow “norms” … but what really makes anything “normal”

People should be allowed to be people without being put into boxes based off, well, ANYTHING. Including having to choose a gender. And having to pick “non-binary” is sill forcing a labeled box. Aloke states “The best way to eliminate a group it to demonize them, such that their disappearance is seen as an act of justice, not discrimination” BOOM. yes.

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