Discussion 2 | Topic & Instructions

In this second discussion post reflect on how the readings impact your understanding of gender and feminism.


In the essay, “Feminist Politics Where We Stand” bell hooks defines feminism as: “a movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression.”

  • Explain what you understand this definition to mean.
  • How does this definition compare with what you thought “feminism” meant before you did this reading?
  • How does the reading Sex and Gender 101 compare with what you thought about gender before you did this reading?

Format Requirements

  • Due: Wednesday February 1, 11:59 pm. 
  • Written in complete, well-formed sentences & carefully proofread
  • Engaged with the assigned text by explicitly referring to and/or citing them
  • 400-600 words. Longer, but not shorter, posts are fine. To view your word count, click the info symbol at the top of the post draft!

How to Create the Post

  • 1) Click on the black plus sign in a white circle at the very top of the site (in the black bar) to start the post draft:
  • 2) In the title box, type the title “[FirstName] [LastName] Discussion 2“.
  • 3) In the body of the post, type your response to the prompt.
  • 4) On the right side, choose the post category “Discussion 2.” Your post will not publish without a category.
  • 5) Click the blue Publish button on the top right.

More Help:

  • Here is a video tutorial on how to publish a post.
  • If you want to understand the difference between a post and a comment, see this help document.