Course: Multimedia Programming 100 – Introduction to Multimedia

Homework 2A

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    • #453

      Elliott Rodriguez

      Comparing something like DPaint to packages like Adobe Photoshop and GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program), what are some differences you notice? Similarities? Are you surprised by the sophistication of the DPaint software as demonstrated in the accompanying video? Why or why not? Feel free to discuss any other thoughts you might have about this reading.


      I remember using both DPaint and Apples iteration when I was 5 – 7 years old. It’s interesting to see how the main targeted layout of panels and functions and UI stood the same over the years. Technology has advanced so much, but it seems like layers of depth were added to photo editing software rather than completely doing an overhaul as to how we interact with these programs. It will be more interesting to see how we interact with photo editing and creation in a few years when we advance with interactive equipment as far as VR and Hololens.

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