Course: Multimedia Programming 100 – Introduction to Multimedia

Homework 2.A

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    • #534

      Portia Anderson

      Although Adobe Photoshop and GIMP offer more tools than the DPaint software,  it seems DPaint is easier to use due to its simplistic design and layout. The diagonal tool bar lay out seems inherently the same for all programs and I was surprised to see the DPaint software demonstrated in the accompanying video have capabilities in developing animation. The artwork and animations created with the DPaint software looked amazing for a computer program based in the 80’s.

      “As a matter of fact, I think there are certain of the keyboard commands that people overlook that are essential to really understanding how the program is meant to work.”

      I could relate to this because even with my new iPhone I rarely use all the new functions Apple adds every second of the day. When using Adobe software or GIMP there are so many fun tools and short cuts that I probably haven’t discovered so I can understand as a developer that it could be frustrating to create something with a variety of tools and functions that most of the general public lacking technical skills will never use.

      Dan Silva stated, “I got into computer graphics in not the most direct way. I actually started out in mechanical engineering, but when I was going to school — which was originally at Stanford — there wasn’t any computer graphics department. As a matter of fact, there wasn’t anything called computer graphics that I had ever heard about. I got into using computers in mechanical engineering to synthesize three-dimensional kinematic linkages, which sounds pretty complicated but actually involved many of the same concepts that you use in computer graphics. When I started working at other jobs – I worked at NASA Ames doing scientific programming – I did everything I could to get my hands on equipment that I could create computer graphics with, because I just felt a real need to create some sort of tangible output. I wasn’t into programming in the abstract.”

      This is inspirational to me because he took something that was exclusive to mechanics and turned it into a tool that anyone in their own home could use, master and build from.

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