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- feminism and capitalism
feminism and capitalism
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October 4, 2023 at 8:16 pm #19130
Beatrice C clarkeParticipantAfter reading the article and watching this video about both topics they are interwoven together but still at odds. I never realized until I was told about feminism in college what it really means and what it stands for. whenever I heard this term, I normally thought of “hairy bodies women” who didn’t like shaving due to the “pink tax” or those who believed that men were the “scum of the earth” and this world only needed women to gain its balance, however, feminism is so much more than that, especially for marginalized and every person who faces life in the isms of life. another thing I like that the young lady pointed out in her YouTube video about feminism is how she is against the phony aspect of this battle for equality for feminists and how it is not built for those who feel like it is only about “privilege” and then go home to their cozy affordable life without knowing about the reality of who it effects. we do need more people standing in solidarity for the feminist movement and that may have to include some men, yes the system is established from patriarchy but I don’t believe every man has the ideal about their position of being a man or the system perhaps, additionally, capitalism is a big conglomerate monster that I wish I can smack like a “pinata” at a festival and break it open so we can all benefit from its central benefits. I believe that this can be a contributor to the constant inflation and soaring prices we are all buckling under (well the working poor and the lower class) but it bares down to greed and the need to disenfranchise all who make the “machine” function and work. it is appealing that a working single mother must make a pivotal choice between childcare and healthcare, for her children or a family must decide on spending a great proportion of their life savings for groceries all because it trickles from capitalism. we need to really find a way that we the people can ignite a way to hold more companies more accountable about how they distribute their wealth so that employees can have a say cushion after working or a nest egg that now must be cracked too early all because of the worst of the ism’s capitalism
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