Course: GWS 100-1300 Introduction to Gender and Women’s Studies, Prof. Hollis Glaser Fall 2023

discussion 5

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    • #19056

      Beatrice C clarke

      I’ve always had an old-fashioned sense of how I wanted my life to be. so for me some parts of patriarchy i am comforted about because I personally believe in some of the ethics, morals, and values that most people have about what the structural family should look like. however, we do live in a different time and century and it is fair to say that it doesn’t have to be this way we can see other parts of patriarchy that can be damaging to this generation and can hold back culture and people who may oppose this way of life and do want to start a new way of firing their own version of a life without the social norms. On a collective level patriarchy has sprawled out of control and has turned into something that at times can be seen as hurtful or damaging as a society collective because of the power certain men have positioned themselves in and how they don’t want to wield some of the most critical issues that women are mostly affected by to women who can change the narrative if we allow for women in government positions like president, and other high positions that we only have seen in history as “the boys club” we have made some hedge way for equality for most but not for all and until we deal with all equality then we may keep seeing the “patriarchal radicals” wreak havoc on the “have nots” and the other article about oppression or the non-existent oppression i will have to disagree with this article because it is very prevalent in society when we talk about not only race but age, physical appearances and in universities and of course work. I’m sure we all have experienced a piece of a “ism” that if we spoke about it can fill a whole library and a little more than that. Yes, you can break away from oppression, but it takes hurdles for the underprivileged and the unrepresented to climb out of a “muck and mire” to achieve optional success. it is not easily obtained, and it may be assumed we can if we just put our best foot forward however putting your best foot forward for success out of oppression means the right resources right finances, and the like, so it is well that the article may say there is not nut if you take a look around you will see the evidence of it. Daily

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