Course: GWS 100-1300 Introduction to Gender and Women’s Studies, Prof. Hollis Glaser Fall 2023

discussion 10

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    • #19883

      Beatrice C clarke

      i enjoyed reading the article it was poignant and profound and I will even admit it shatted some of my stereo types about feminism. I was always told that women who were feminists are just loud, werakless and jaded women who are mad at the fact that men are the main breadwinners and the ones who govern most of the cooperate systems ad the reasons for it but after reading this it is a call for human recognition and to be equally a participant in all walks of life and all structures of life as a woman. and yes white counterpart women may indeed demand or want liberation from patriarchy however they do not need to face the barriers that black women have and has and that’s for biological women and those of the LBGT+Q people as well/I’m glad to know that there were woken in place that recognize our autonomy and place in this world beyond household restrictions and realize that. I also saw the documentary Paris Burning and this was my second time watching this I saw this before with a friend of mine and I always liked how they used movement as a form of expression and the way they gathered community for homeless boys who were treated poorly because of their sexuality.  it also shows that everyone has someone they can depend on and count upon when they feel like they’re the only ones fighting for peace and equality. . thank yopu

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