Course: ENG 333: The Short Story — Prof. Goodison

active 2 years ago
ENG 333: The Short Story — Prof. Goodison
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Fall 2023
Course Description

This course acquaints students with the wide range and varied forms of the short story as it developed in America, Europe, and other continents. Readings will include works by male and female authors of different periods and nationalities, and some attention may be paid to the historical development of the short story as a genre, as well as the cultural contexts in which the assigned stories were written.


Credit for 333 Open Lab image

"Film Star" (1960) by John Latham (1921-2006). Born Northern Rhodesia, worked Britain. Books, plaster and metal on canvas. This work was titled "Film Star" because it appeared in Latham's film "Unedited Material from the Star." It incorporates books whose pages have been painted in twelve colours. Because the books can be opened at different pages, the work can exist in different states. The film consists of static shots of opened books. During production, Latham would stop filming at various points, turn the pages of the books, and start filming again. When the film is shown, the books appear suddenly to open, close and change colour. (Description taken from The Tate Museum in London).