Course: ECE 209 | Spring 2024 | J. Longley

active 1 month, 3 weeks ago
ECE 209 | Spring 2024 | J. Longley
This Course is PRIVATE, but the corresponding Site is OPEN to all visitors.
Teacher Education
Academic Program
Child Care/Early Childhood Education, A.S.
Course Contact
Course Code
ECE 209
Section Code
Spring 2024
Course Description

This course focuses on the theories, methods and materials of early childhood education for infants (birth to eighteen months), with an emphasis on addressing developmental needs and culturally appropriate practices in their education and care. The following topics are explored in depth: social, emotional, cognitive and physical development of infants; basic principles of infant care giving, including providing culturally sensitive and consistent care; arrangement of the environment and developmentally appropriate experiences to promote infant growth and learning; the role of parents and establishing partnerships with families.

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Recent Comments

Comment on: Conflicts & Difficult Conversations

Teachers ultimate goal is to try to get positive outcomes from families with challenging […] See MoreComment on: Conflicts & Difficult Conversations

Comment on: Partnering with Families

Establishing routines Listening and talking to each other, Trusting peoples point of view All […] See MoreComment on: Partnering with Families

Comment on: Culture in Infant Classrooms

Culture and diversity in the classroom 1.Teachers should become more knowledgeable and […] See MoreComment on: Culture in Infant Classrooms