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Fall 2022 – BNY Mentoring Program


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    • #14425

      Younes Benkarroum

      Dear Student,

      Bank of New York Mellon, an innovative leader in the financial operations and technology industry, and Borough of Manhattan Community College have formed an exclusive partnership to provide students with a unique opportunity to enable the soft skills and business knowledge needed to succeed.

      BNY Mellon’s Student Tech and Readiness Training Upskill Program (S.T.A.R.T.U.P.) matches students with one of their operations and technology experts. Over the course of eight weeks, students get an inside look at what it’s like to work in the financial technology industry and discuss career mobility. During the mentorship, students also participate in professional development workshops that prepare them for their next career adventure.

      Students who are in good standing academically and have an interest in pursuing a career in financial operations and/or technology are encouraged to participate in S.T.A.R.T.U.P.

      Requirements for participants:
      – GPA 3.0 or above.
      – Completed the first programming course (CSC 110 or CSC 111),
      – Must devote one to two hours of workload per week to participating in the mentoring program events and activities during 8 weeks (October 10 – December 5).

      Note: Participating students (US citizens or permanent residents) will also have an opportunity to join a paid internship during the summer with an option for full-time employment.

      Interested students should complete and submit the Pre-Recruitment Process form.
      Eligible students to participate in the program will be emailed the BNY application link.

      Note: This form must be submitted by Sunday, September 11 in order to be considered.

      CIS Department

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