Idea from CUNY Clash

Idea from CUNY Clash

Living in the city that never sleeps, best known as New York City, many people keep a very busy schedule, and some are unable to keep up with their home responsibilities. Although doing laundry is a necessity in the household, according to Study Finds, 52% of young adults find doing laundry time consuming or at least 50% of them dislike or do not know how to use the machine or fold clothes. Clean Wheels allow businesspeople with busy schedules to maintain their career responsibilities and also maintain their household needs. Jasmyn Jimenez was the artist behind the concept of traveling to customers, as I, Grisselle Diaz, has put the effort to build social media network accounts, brand logo, build clientele and etc… We let our customers select a time, date, and place of pick-up/drop-off. They have the option to become a member with us or you can pay for daily services. Clean Wheels will be an impact to the community as it would allow people in the five boroughs with busy schedules to have a peace of mind when it comes to having fresh laundry at their convivence.