Peace & Love

Peace & Love

Artist Name:

Georgiana Rivamonte 

Sky Anisca

May 11, 2021

Artist Statement

Peace and Love Monument

Monuments are symbolic and many are based on true historic events. Monuments tell us a story just by simply looking at it. When sometimes looking at a monument without knowing the history or background we tend to make our own story from looking at the monument. Sometimes even when knowing the background or the history of what the artist is art in itself intended to do we end up adding a lot of feelings and opinions about the monument.

Now the monument that sky and I choose is located In Camden, NJ it’s called “The Waterfront”. The monument we chose shows a fan in the middle of the park as well as a boat. This area is surrounded by water. It holds a beautiful sunset as well as a very peaceful quiet area. A Lot of people like to go to see the sunset as well as to relax. The location we chose to put the monument was Times Square because it’s the place to be, and a lot of people go there to see what’s new and to be entertained. Another reason why Time Square would be a perfect place is because of the big crowd and people will be brainstorming and trying to figure out what our monument means.

When people look at our monument we want them to make a connection and we want them to discuss their opinions on it and how it makes them feel when they see it. Our monument represents peace and love and our quote is ” Not every battle needs a warrior”. This quote means everything doesn’t need to turn into violence, we need to spread more positivity. We had come up with this because we noticed covid was affecting everyone, not just us individually we wanted to make a difference. This monument can be taken in various ways that were our goal. I think creating as well as choosing to locate we achieved that goal. This monument location we chose was for everyone to get a feeling like we are in this together and that we can overcome any obstacles that come our way.

To never give up and keep on pushing forward but together.