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March 30, 2020 at 12:34 am #3235
benjamin haasParticipantSo it seems liek folx enjoyed the say hello post, so in the same line I thought I would create a forum where folx are encouraged to share what they are up to.
How have you been spending your time away from school:
Are you watching anything good? What is it and Where can we find it (netflix, hulu, etc, cable?)
Are you reading anything awesome? Tell us about it!!
Cooking anythign fun? Eating anythign delicious?
Learned any new hobbies or found a good way to keep up your old habits under our new restrictions?
Are you working? What are you doing?
What else are you doing these days?can’t wait to hear what you have been up to!!!
March 30, 2020 at 11:04 am #3240
shamiaParticipantrecently I’ve started this show on Netflix called 100 humans: Life questions. Answered
I’ve been coming up with random things to make and also taking advantage of the $0 delivery fee from uber eats, haha!
I would still be going to work if I didn’t have to quarantine after finding out my mother tested positive for the virus (she’s doing fine now). So I’ve been in the house just catching up on any work that I haven’t been able to complete since this whole thing started. Also just got into gaming.
Hope to see more responses 🙂
March 30, 2020 at 11:23 am #3243
Gloria MoralesParticipantGood morning Benjamin sorry I haven’t been going to last few classes. I just been waking up very late. So right now I’m trying to get my school schedule on track like doing all my assignments and such.
Besides doing that I been really bored. I want to walk my dog but my dad is terrified for my will being and doesn’t want me outside. So with that I been learning how to play fortnite because all my cousins play and that’s how we communicate more. Also been playing a lot of Mario games and trying to read books but I hate reading so that is impossible. -
March 30, 2020 at 12:07 pm #3248
Jeldi MullaParticipantHi there. Jeldi here. Lately, besides boredness, I have been working on a mosaic. I guess you know what a mosaic is ( small tiles glued together to create a figure or just art). My father taught me how to do mosaic and now I am doing one for my sister’s new bakery in Albania. I am doing the logo and the name of the bakery. It is annoying sometimes when you cannot cut a tile as you wish it to be cut or when you finally cut it perfectly for like 20 min and then lost it in the ground, however after each day you see that the picture is being completed (like a jigsaw puzzle) and it really feels amazing.
I hope everyone is safe and not bored.
I also have started a new show on Netflix called “How to get away with murder”. I already finished the first season I really like it totally suggest it.
March 30, 2020 at 1:28 pm #3256
Conner KleinParticipantOutside of my schoolwork, I’ve been alternating between learning new songs on guitar and building Gundam model kits. Both of those can end up being REALLY time-consuming so I’m thankful for that, makes the days drag on a little less when I don’t have classes or homework to do. I managed to stock up on a bunch of big kits from a shop in Jersey I like right before they closed for quarantine so that’ll keep me busy for a few weeks. I’m hoping maybe once I adjust a bit more I’ll be able to get back in the groove of actually writing or recording music stuff, but for now I’ve just been learning more songs by my favorite band. Sometimes I’ll use my phone camera to record short clips of the parts I’m learning or videos of the entire song if I can play it to show my friends or my partner. But it’s also a lot more playing than I’d been doing for the past couple months so that’s good. My cat isn’t too happy about it though, as soon as she sees me reach for the power button on my amp she bolts for the bathroom to hide haha.
March 30, 2020 at 2:42 pm #3260
BrandyParticipantgood afternoon, lately I just be watching kids movie with my little sister. I don’t read book because I don’t like reading. I cook some thing but I also hate cooking. I have no hobbies but just dance with my little sister so she can be in fit. All I do is homework, and classwork. Also helping my sister on her homework.
March 30, 2020 at 4:55 pm #3264
Liz LedesmaParticipanthi benjamin 🙂 recently i feel like ive become a cave person during this quarantine, not leaving the house lol. my sleep schedule has been blown to hell !! i recently started watching shows i’ve been wanting to finish, one i just finished is called “attack on titan”, its a pretty popular anime im sure lots of people know, i had been wanting to start it for a while and it completely took over my life for a couple of days. if u havent seen it, all of it is on hulu and if youre into dystopian/post-apocalyptic type shows with plot twists, i would reccomend. its about a world where huge titans eat humans and humans are all confined to walls, and it tells the story of people trying to defeat the titans, its pretty crazy. ive also been playing a lot of animal crossing as well since it couldn’t have come out at a better time, and have been virtually fishing a lot lol. hope all is well!!!
March 30, 2020 at 5:39 pm #3266
AngieParticipantGood afternoon everyone! Lately I been catching up on some movies/shows on Netflix. I also been learning how to bake different kinds of pastries from scratch such as, Danish pastry, Croissants, Apple pie, and Macaroons. So far everything turned out great and yummy! New hobbies I been learning is, gardening, diy my clothes, practice my makeup, and yoga. I hope everyone is doing well and staying positive! stay home and keep yourself occupied!
March 30, 2020 at 5:51 pm #3267
NatassiaParticipantOutside of school work which is annoying me right now, having to write so many final papers whilst preparing for exams as well, I’ve been doing LinkedIn Learning workshops and listening to TED talks.
I hope everyone is staying safe. I miss the actual school, walking from the different campuses seeing all of your faces and the only class I enjoyed, my speech class. But you know something WE GOT THIS!
March 30, 2020 at 7:14 pm #3271
Treza GurungParticipantGood Afternoon Everyone,
I hope everyone is doing well and in good health.
Lately, I am realizing a lot of good stuff about myself. Before Quarantine, life was all about all school and work where I could not focus on the things I like or what I love to do. Since it has already been two weeks with no job and online classes I have learned how to be creative such as reading books, learning how to use every sec of your time by cooking, cleaning, watching documentaries and obviously eating a lot and getting chubby.
stay safe everyone.
March 31, 2020 at 1:41 pm #3285
Lorena almendarezParticipantgood afternoon everyone!!
lately I have been doing cooking and baking, I think today im going to make chocolate chip cookies from scratch! I’ve also been watching allot of movies and tv shows ! I started watching this show from Hulu its called “The handmaids tale” its very interesting but at the same time its very hard to watch because of what’s going on in the show but I recommend it if you guys need something to watch! I if you guys know any good shows let me know because im already on the last season of the show. hope you guys are safe and healthy if you guys need anyone to talk to feel free to send me a message !
March 31, 2020 at 2:13 pm #3287
Desiree BanksParticipantGood afternoon,
Hope everyone is well given the current circumstances.
Ever since we don’t meet face-to-face anymore I’ve been stuck home. I realized lately that I literally have nothing to do. You can probably tell I’m struggling staying quarantined. I just been working and doing my online classes every other day. Although I am stuck at home and not outside exploring like I usually am, I am doing other things such as cleaning, spending a lot of time with my brother and mother since it’s just us two in the house. I can’t say it’s all bad I also been baking a lot, talking with mom, laughing, playing video games with my brother, and watching a lot of Netflix and Hulu(The resident) on Hulu is a must to watch!! Lastly I’ve been eating a lot of junk and watching movies from morning to night. I can’t complain all the time now.
April 14, 2020 at 6:41 pm #3444
cleannaParticipantRight now I am just trying to get by, going to school on the computer, keep active so I don’t get to board and once in a while go outside for some air/stocking up.
April 14, 2020 at 7:24 pm #3454
Zora Elio HSParticipantI just finished eating food and now I’m playing Detroit Become Human.
Thinking about doing my hw later though…..
April 15, 2020 at 9:20 am #3455
TaffyParticipantGood Morning Everyone! Since schools were closed I haven’t been doing much honestly. I’m currently trying to catch up on some Math home work and other than that I’ve been binge watching ‘The Office’ on Netflix. It’s an amazing show and quite funny, loving it. I’ve been killing other time playing video games with friends as well.
April 15, 2020 at 10:06 pm #3457
Ismaely IsraelParticipantgood evening everyone, since schools are closed; everything has been cancelled I don’t really do anything at home. Just trying to get my school schedule on track like doing all my assignments and watching tv. And spend a lot of time with my family that’s all:)
April 16, 2020 at 9:42 pm #3475
Paige LemekParticipantSo I stopped counting how many days its been after a month but I would say the day drinking started around day 15, no shame in that! If you have Disney+, I recommend the new movie, Onward. I finally have time to watch anime, so send me recommendations! 4/20 is coming up, it wont be the same, but still a celebration nonetheless, cheers everyone!
April 17, 2020 at 10:30 am #3476
JanelParticipantHey guys,
I haven’t been up to much just keeping up with my math homework. I’ve been watching a whole bunch of stuff on Netflix like Molly’s game, Money heist, & All American. Other then that just counting the days.
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