Category Archives: Snapshot 4

Mr. Hotep Says #BLACKLIVESMATTER: By Kemi Alabi

The dyke within
tires of
the nigger without,

sick of rope
when the brick
calls her name.

Same blood,
same alley,

wrong hands,
wrong headline,

wrong barking pack
circling the same

same body
split, cracked

Wrong balm
on the sin,

wrong North
guiding the killer’s
new heart,

wrong village
with forgiveness,

same torches
the door.

All the women
in this body
burn at once,

no matter
how wrong
the fire,

& oh god,
the sound:
a chorus,

the notes,
in sum,

a dirge
for killer’s

as they
surely break

for a lover
with half
this face

and twice
the room
for flame.

Fena: Pirate Princess

I recently started watching a new anime series called “Fena: Pirate Princess,” and I thought that this made a perfect connection to this weeks readings. Typically, pirates are portrayed as dirty, drunk, abusive, bearded males dawned with eye-patches and crude prosthetics. Women don’t often play the part of pirate. However, Fena flips the script on this age old plot. Fena escapes from her male oppressors and fight back. She sails throughout the seas to also free other captives.

Snapshot 4


The beautiful world around and here I am in the cage,

The beautiful thoughts around and here I am dumb,

The beautiful happenings around and here I am blind,

Why? Because I am a woman.

I am taught to be quiet,

I am taught to be blind,

I am taught to be dumb,

Why? Because I am a woman

I am the one who is raped,

I am the one who is the victim of acid attack,

I am the one who is the victim of domestic violence,

I am the who is subjected to all inhuman practices,

I am the one who is taught to be quiet.

Why? Because I am a woman.

The world is calling me,

The world is calling me to speak,

The world is calling me to hear,

The world is calling me to see

But still, I can’t move on,

I can’t walk, talk, see or hear,

Why? Because I am a woman,

Because I am a materialistic thing,

Because I am a victim of patriarchy.

Sneha Nehra