Category Archives: Response 11

Response 11

The abortion divide was a documentary I really enjoyed watching especially as a women. It shows us both sides of the opinion of abortion which are those who are for it (pro choice) and those who are against it (pro life).  

It was very interesting to see these different women tell their stories and to actually see them go through the process. To see those who decided to go through with the abortion, those who decided to keep their babies and those who decided to give their children up for adoption. But it was really sad to hear about those women who have their babies but are financially unstable and don’t have a proper place to live. It sort of makes me even happier that us women have abortion as an option because i know it would be hard struggling to take care of a baby while struggling to take care of yourself. 

This documentary sort of upset me a little because I don’t like the fact that there are men who feel like they can tell a woman it is wrong to have an abortion when they will never know what it is like to have to make that decision as a baby is growing inside you. I also don’t like the fact that there are other women who feel they can tell other women what they should do with their bodies. I get that there are people who see abortion as wrong but like having other opinions, I wish they would just keep it to themselves. Yes the protesters have a right to their opinions they wouldn’t shame those who decide to go through with an abortion. I know there are a lot of people who see it as taking an innocent life but I personally see it as these brave strong women making the decision to not bring a child or children into this world when they know they cannot give it the life they deserve or know they aren’t ready. People see it as a selfish decision made but it can also be seen as selfish to bring a child into this world knowing you cannot give it the best life it deserves. 

Hobby Lobby: Last week tonight with John Oliver talks about Hobby Lobby founders claiming they should have freedom of religion because they think birth control mandates conflict with their Christian faith. Hobby Lobby does not like the fact that the health insurance plan they have for their employees gives them access to birth control. They believe they should be able to control their employees’ access to birth control which to me is very weird. I understand they follow a certain religion and believe certain things but they shouldn’t have a right to control whether or not their employees take birth control or not. What they do with their bodies is their choice just like it’s the hobby lobby’s founders’ choices to do what they want with their bodies. 

I really liked heatherlees snapshot because it shows how people will fight for their rights on what they do with their body when it comes to something they don’t want to do like getting the vaccine but when it comes to stuff like abortions they believe they can tell other people what to do with their bodies. 

Response 11

The Abortion Divide was an eye-opening documentary since it depicted the mental and physical process of having an abortion. As a guy, I was well aware of how delicate this issue would be for me, given that I know people who had to have abortions… Thankfully, it improved their lives, but it was stressful at the time…so I’m pleased I learned about it during this program. It did an excellent job of showcasing different women’s lives and what they/we had to go through in order to have control over our bodies, in my opinion. Abortion has become the standard in several areas of the world, including the United States. Some regions are STILL battling for abortion rights. People prefer to have many viewpoints, but if forced to choose, they support abortion.

It’s quite disheartening how women’s reproductive rights have been abused while yet being heavily policed to the point that many women don’t appear to have authority over their own bodies. The movies we had to view for class this week were really informative on the problem that many people with female reproductive organs endure.

I saw a video where a female questioned a boy whether he would still feel abortion is terrible under any circumstances… “he responded nothing would change his view,” but when asked if he got another woman pregnant while married, his attitude changed. It all boils down to what is best for the individual.

The Abortion Divide

The documentary “The Abortion Divide” was an informational film for me to watch as a woman. It shows the decision of four different women, two who decided to have their children and two who went to an abortio clinic. Unfortunately not all women are well informed about all the options they have. 

Getting an abortion doesn’t only side with young girls but Dr. Rebecca Mercer says that every kind of women get abortions women who are old, women of all races, religions, first child or have many kids etc. 

Finance is a common reason to why women have abortions, Shaharra  a mother of four kids has decided to get an abortion becuase she does not want to bring another child into the world where she is already struggling with the kids she has now. Another common reason is unprotected sex, Taryn didn’t think she would get pegnant and a one night thing wouldn’t affect her.

These women are brave, having to decide to get an abortion I am sure is not an easy thing. When I saw that Taryn had twins, it made me tear. I couldn’t imagine having to go through that. Christine’s reaction would be mine as well. There are many questions that are to be asked to oneself. Religion? Twins? Finance? Are there any kids in the picture? Hearing these stories are amazing, seeing that couples go through it as well and it is not only a single woman. 

Seeing the other side of the abortion is eye opening. I am also a Catholic and I don’t really know what to think. I agree that everyone has  their own opinion but harassing someone is not the way to put your point of view out there. Invading someone’s personal space and going up to them and not letting them decide on their own I feel like is disrespectful. Some women want to go in and out and let it be behind them because they are not comfortable talking about it. That should be respected. Not everyone has an option, saying women cannot make a decision on their own and the State has to intervene is sad. 

There are two types of abortion procedures, the medical and the surgical procedure. The medical procedure is a pill that is taken at home to make the pregnancy stop growing. In 24 hours another pill is taken that helps induce the bleeding and cramping to push the pregnancy out. The surgical procedure under IV sedation is being put to sleep. They place a small clip on top of the cervix to straighten out the uterine canal then dilate the cervix to remove the fetus using suction. It only takes 2-5 minutes. 

Amnion is a place that helps women out. They counsel them, help them out with clothes and food for the kids. They tell the women right away that abortion is not taken place there but can be helped. A pregnancy and ultrasound is also provided by them. This is a caring center and shows that they are there for them. 

reproductive rights

Abortion Division was sad yet comical to me. I truly felt bad for the women that went in to get an abortion and felt like they were doing something wrong. Or the older women that learned she was having twins and began to cry. I understand that it hurts to think you are losing a baby, but I agree with them and their choices. If you cannot afford to bring a child into the world and give them what they deserve, do not bring them here. And those who kept the baby and put them up for adoption after, are also so strong. I can only imagine the feeling, the attachment, they feel after 9 months together and then giving them away in hopes they live a happy life. I was highly annoyed by the creepy old white men that prayed and protested outside of the clinic. Why are you so concerned with women and their body? Why is it ANY of their business? I connected with one of the speakers when she said, “There is a sense that woman simply can’t make moral decisions on their own. The state must intervene and tell them what to do. I think it’s pure hypocrisy.” I completely agree, why is it that men always feel obligated to tell women what to do with their bodies, it is not your body, so you have no say. It is sad that even today they see a women’s body as their property. When they mentioned the clinic that attempts to talk women out of abortion I laughed because their values are hilarious. One of the nurses said, “We offer pregnancy test, but we don’t provide contraception here. We don’t want people engaging in behavior that’s risky to them.” This was pure comedy to me, you expect humans to refrain from sex, something we naturally do. Can you be so illiterate to think denying contraception will stop people from having sex when they want, that is like telling a child not to touch the cookie jar. Then there was the old white doctor who said, “contraception takes away a natural barrier to promiscuity. And promiscuity is what drives abortion.”  First off, I would like to say that one-night stands and unprotected sex between unmarried people is not the only cause of abortion. It was proven in the documentary that even married couples have abortions and it is because they do not see themselves financially or mentally ready to have a child. That is the main reason people have abortions, because they do not think they are fit to have a child at that point in time. This documentary was filmed in the early 2000s and nothing has changed. People still think they can tell a woman what to do with her body. Just look at the protest that were going on in Texas for woman’s reproductive rights, the white old man was right this is a fight that might go on for more generations to come but it will be a pro-choice victory. Heather Lee’s, post represent exactly how these men sound trying to tell a woman what to do with HER body, hypocrites. Let us flip the switch a pro-life man gets a woman other than his wife pregnant, most defiantly he will not want that baby, why? Because it will be an inconvenience to him, but it is okay for him to tell a woman what do with her body. Literally disgusting. And regarding the hobby lobby video, yes, I will no longer be shopping there.  

The Divide and Hobby Lobby

The Abortion Divide was a tough film to watch. My mom revealed to me some years ago that she was forced to have an abortion while I was in high school. She found out that a medical condition could potentially threaten her life if she decided to go through with having her baby. I had another friend whose mom was candid about an abortion she had after being raped by an unknown assailant. I could only imagine the position either of them found themselves in as they contemplated having the procedure. This film does a really fantastic job of capturing the tough and deeply personal choices that some women make when they seek out an abortion. Rebecca Mercier, OB-GYN for the clinic featured in the film said “Every kind of woman gets abortions: women who are young, women who are old; women of all races; women of all religions; women who it’s their first pregnancy, women with lots of children; women who never thought that they would be seeking an abortion.” This topic is not limited to a specific social group and affects women from all walks of life. 

I really enjoyed how the film showed both sides of the argument. The anti-abortion protestors were constantly present and served as a continuous reminder of how serious this conflict is. I read that Dr. George Isajiw was featured in the original production and his opinion remained unchanged after all these years. Even with all the dialogue that’s been hard and the advances in technology, he still believes abortion is wrong. However, there were also patients who shared some really personal scenarios that led them to have the procedure done. I think patient Shaharra’s reasoning, that she was unable to financially support a child, is one that I’ve heard other women mention before. I would same I’m pro-choice. I’ve seen first-hand how pregnancy can change a woman’s body in irreversible ways. I’ve witnessed couples struggling to provide for their child. Do I think adults should be more responsible when choosing to be intimate? Absolutely. But ultimately, it should be up to the woman to decide what she’d like to do with her body. My classmate, Hillary, posted a snapshot that encompasses how I feel about abortion. Additionally, I liked Sadiras choice of a snapshot which gives a visual depiction of the powers that be playing tug of war with a woman’s body.

With these things in mind, I thought John Oliver did a wonderful job at poking fun at Hobby Lobby’s bout with the Supreme Court. I don’t think businesses should have the same rights as a person. This just opens the door for people to have another way to discriminate against one another. A corporation shouldn’t be able to pick and choose what laws apply to them. We would essentially be creating mini dictatorships in the form of business entities. My favorite line was when Oliver stated, “If you really want to be treated like a person, corporations, then guess what, pay for things you don’t like is what it really feels like to be one”. We all have to do things we don’t particularly care for in order to keep our country running. I mean I’d love to not pay taxes too but would prefer if we didn’t open pandora’s box.

Response 11 – Emely D

For as long as we can remember, abortion has been a topic of debate in the United States. Protest after protests, women begging to be able to have their own human rights returned, we’ve seen how America handles abortion and ‘pro-life vs. pro-choice. This week’s videos were very informative on women’s experiences and the issues they face regarding their reproductive system. The video “The Abortion Divide” did a great job at illustrating the process a woman goes through during an abortion, showing us both physical and mental difficulties they face. In the video “Hobby Lobby: On Last Week Tonight” we can see how companies are trying to abuse their power by trying to have a say in “people matter’s”.  Hobby Lobby made a case against abortions by saying that their taxes should not go towards the medical procedure of abortions and birth control, because they go against their Christian beliefs. Under the Citizens United Ruling, it states that corporations can have the same free speech rights as people, this makes it so that large companies that have immense influence over their employees and communities can now represent themselves in court as people can.  The Supreme Court had a say over the case and they favored Hobby Lobby by agreeing that companies are people that have religious freedom.  This is unfair as companies are not actual people and are certainly not held to the same standards.  The company is a large conglomerate that has money and the power of influence and religious freedom should not have been granted as their store workers and corporate workers are not all Christians.  The ruling of the case invalidates the beliefs of others and should be reviewed as this has granted a company owned by Christians to have a say over people’s bodies just on the basis that it goes against their beliefs, scripture, and church.

This week’s snapshot posted by Sadira Mohammaed captures the topic perfectly. It is an image of a woman’s organs being pulled in reference to being controlled by groups of men.  I love this image because we can see in a more literal form how men in our society feel so entitled to control a woman’s body and reproductive system. As true as this image is, it’s honestly super sad. Men have control over their bodies and can choose what they do and can’t do to themselves but why can’t we? Why do they feel so entitled to ‘rule’ over a body that doesn’t concern them whatsoever?

Content Response 11

I have learn about abortion and women rights being decreased before I even knew the Ten Commandments. Before time even began, women were seen as something and not someone..not a person with a heart and feelings, not someone with a head and logic. An object, men would use, toss around and/or control. It is sickening and disgusting because without women, technically there would be no man. Yes, man help the process but women give life, we create HUMANS!! Where is our respect?

The Abortion Divide video, women spoke on their stories on keeping the baby, the journey and the struggle each and every women describe. Giving life is beautiful and unique but it isn’t for everyone nor all at once. No one is ever prepared to give life to another human nor cater to all their needs. Most of our needs some parents cannot or aren’t able to cater to because of financial issues. These system in place in American are revolved around certain people to succeed and able to stay afloat. It’s not for everyone and they know it, it called being oblivious to the facts in front of you. It’s unfair and discriminating!!

Women abort for the simple fact, they cannot cater for someone else than themselves at the moment, the father in question could be a one night stand or simply a horrible man. A man who is not ready or should be in charge of a child because he is still a child. Most women who give birth are still children!! The argument of “women shouldn’t have sex then because of chances of pregnancy” is very hypocritical, why isn’t the same argument made for men? They become a parent as much as the women, but they aren’t hold accountable because what? because they don’t carry the child in their stomach for 9 months? Women are unable to get pregnant again once pregnant. They will be growing the fetus for 9 months, while men can impregnate 9 plus other women while women number one is still pregnant. So, who’s really the problem? Who should be put on contraceptions.

The video Hobby Lobby: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) speaks on Hobby Lobby and their fight about anti-contraceptions. The company “Hobby Lobby” sued the federal government for asking them to provide coverage for contraception in their health insurance plans, because it goes against their religious beliefs. Ironic, religion yet again being used as an excuse not to follow the law in place to “keep women safe” “to “help” women” but it’s okay for priest to touch little girls or rape? then somehow it’s the girl’s fault for wearing something revealing but it’s church clothes. (the real problem are men with conservative minds) It’s really funny when religion is used so many times as an argument, as a reason to not follow the rules in place or simply to hide behind them. The same way white people hide behind the laws that protect them, it’s an on going cycle.

Some people think birth control is the best option, but I disagree with most and those who said is better, because it is as dangerous and difficult as an abortion. Birth controls are presented as easier and less cruel because of the many options, packaging, and sizing but in reality it is horrible. It has its benefits of helping control women’s flow and cramps with their periods but did you guys forget everything else it comes with? Let me remind you

  1. Breast Cancer
  2. Ovarian and Endometrial Cancer
  3. Blood clots
  4. Heart attack
  5. Stroke
  6. Nausea
  7. Mood changes (drastically, may I add)
  8. Spotting in between periods
  9. Migraines/headaches
  10. and the list goes, really!!!

These side affect may seem normal like nausea, headaches, and etc, but it shouldn’t occur at all! It is not normal at all and for women to succumb to such lows, it’s sad. To agree to put our bodies under much stress and danger every day! To then not be respected? So disappointing and honestly degrading in my opinion. There are other ways for women to help control heavy flows and pains, birth control is not the only and “safe” option.

Content Response 11 – Hillary Santiago

The discourse around abortion in the United States seems to roll onto our news channels and social media timelines every couple of months. It’s very disappointing how women’s reproductive rights have been exploited, yet still have been policed so much that many women can’t seem to even have control over their own bodies. The videos we had to watch for class this week were very insightful on the issue that many individuals with female reproductive organs have to face. I especially liked the short video titled, “What is Reproductive Justice?” on youtube. It details how a women’s business regarding their reproductive organs should be kept solely between themselves and their OBGYN. I completely agree with this and believe that no outside forces should be the deciding factor on what a woman does with their uterus. Another video I enjoyed from the shared playlist was “100 years of Periods”, it depicts the history of menstruation products starting from 1911. From discovering cellucotton and marketing it towards women as a more absorbent alternative to the homemade cloth pads they were popular at the time. This began the commodification of women’s menstruation products and in turn, what we know today as the “pink tax”, where companies will sell products exclusively to women at a higher price, most of the time the products are a necessity. Popular companies like Kotex offered inconspicuous packaging for menstruation products, suggesting that a “period” was something a woman needed to hide and be embarrassed by, which most certainly is not the case. Even still to this day, many men use foul language when speaking about periods, and try to stay as far away from the topic as possible. This is ironic as they certainly don’t feel the need to not intervene with a women’s reproductive system when abortion is involved. Judging the Pro-Choice movement is completely silly in my eyes, as it is not inherently Pro-abortion, this is where people tend to get confused. Many women who are pro-choice might never get an abortion or even disapprove of them, however, they can still understand that another woman should ALWAYS have the right to choose. ALL women deserve agency towards their bodies, this should not be political discourse nor a topic up for debate.
Fawina’s Snapshot is a picture of an older woman holding up a sign against the abortion ban in Texas. It is heartbreaking that a women’s right to choose lays in the hands of politicians, many of which are male and don’t even have first-hand experience of what it means to be a woman. Not to mention that abortion bans are not going to keep women from getting one if they deem it necessary, it is statistically proven that abortion rates don’t lower after abortion bans. This decision will only increase the injuries and fatalities that will come from antiquated and dangerous forms of home abortions. These politicians are aware of this, but it is clear that they don’t care about women, or their fetuses, in fact. It is all a way to control, shame, and punish those who simply just want the ability to choose what they can do with their bodies

Response 11

Abortion have become the norm in some parts of the world and to that extent the United States. It’s also being frowned on by some individuals and group of people. Some of this notions and theories that they depend on to debunk abortion is mostly religious or on some moral and ethical basis which includes the killing of a fetus which is a baby and also it being a sin as described by the Bible, the word of God. It still doesn’t stop others or warrant them from engaging in such a practice, among these people that abort babies both the doctors and the patients, there’s several reasons for such a cause.

Some undertake such an act simply because it’s their body and they have every right to do anything of will to it. They also go on to argue that it’s their right to have a say in what goes on in their life and to that effect their right to use their body to their own want and need and doesn’t require permission from anyone before aborting a baby. Others also give the reason of they not wanting to have a baby at that particular period of time because it’s unwanted. This could be because of personal notions like plans, others would say it’s not something they agreed upon but happened out of the blue. Others argue that it was a mistake that they got pregnant because they were either not ready or they didn’t know they were pregnant until some days and that they needed to get rid of it.

Abortion thus have around it series of issues from social to religious and political as well. Aside from the legalization of abortion to accommodate those that didn’t plan it, and might feel it was a mistake and have genuine reasons to abort the unplanned child and also to facilitate the legitimacy of the doctor or medical officer undertaking the process, it’s normal for such societies to understand what was at stake and why they did what they did. In places where discrimination is relatively high and more religious folks tend to out weigh others, they frown on abortion because of the moral prejudices that comes with it. They say it’s a sin and ethically wrong to engage in such an act. It’s also very assuring that we see advocates especially coming from the church faction or christian faction engaging individuals who are going to abort babies to try and convince them on changing their minds and considering not going to undertake the abortion. They believe it’s murder and equivalent to killing children because the fetus can be considered a human being as well with a soul and deserves to be given the chance to live because God has a plan for him and his or her life. Abortion to others might not be seen as harmful because of the effects that it might have on the subject like death through excessive bleeding and some psychological effects later on. Others might cope well because it’s an informed decision and would stand by their choice regardless.

Response 11

The video “Hobby Lobby: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver(HBO) talks about Hobby Lobby and its anti-contraception case in the Supreme Court. This video is so funny. The company’s hobby supply stores sued the federal government for asking them to provide coverage for contraception in their employee health insurance plans, because of their religious beliefs. I think the corporation cannot choose which laws people should obey or decide for them. Because you belong to a religion you think you can choose which laws you want to follow or which to ignore. In the video, we also see that some people say they do not want their taxes to use or pay for abortion. I can say that the best way to avoid abortion is through the use of contraceptives. It helps to space the birth and it is also helpful in case of treatment.

I think many use birth control for contraceptive purposes, but it is also good because it is used to lessen flow and cramps for women with heavy periods. When women have heavy periods, they experience back and hip pain, nausea, vomiting, migraine, sometimes inability to move. It is sometimes difficult to manage. Taking birth control helps to reduce the flow of our period or standardize the length of your cycle. So, birth control is a treatment. 

In the documentary “Vessel”, we see that year ago  “ In the most of the World, abortion is legally restricted” “ But the law doesn’t stop women from needing or having an abortion.” It just makes them unsafe”  many women died by trying to do the abortion themselves or in some hospital without the qualification.   Doctor Rebecca, a young woman, went to university and got her diploma. She went to several countries to help women who do not want to keep their pregnancies.  With Doctor Rebecca, the abortion was safe by taking the pill. She went to the Netherlands the abortion is legal over there. When a woman wants to stop her pregnancy she has to go to the special licensed Clinic or hospital where the doctor can prescribe her the pill. Doctor Rebecca’s 

journey was not easy because people were trying to stop her because of religion. There were many protests because of their belief. 

I can see that today women on waves went to 23 countries where they trained people how to use the pills and continue to train local groups around the world.

 In “The Abortion Divide” shows us two choices the pro-life and the pro-choice people. Women who choose to end their pregnancy and the pro-life women who choose to have their baby. I was impressed seeing women share their stories. They were so brave because choosing abortion is not very easy. Some of them had unprotected sex with their partner or with someone, they just see for the first time. So after a week, they found they were pregnant. They were not prepared for that so they decided to have an abortion. They didn’t want their baby to suffer because they knew it would be difficult for them to take care of the baby because they were not financially stable. So having a baby was not a good idea so they chose to terminate the pregnancy. 

The snapshot of Patience Ocran “My Body Belongs To Me Shutterstock” shows us that nobody can decide for you. You have the right to choose what you want for yourself.