The abortion divide was a documentary I really enjoyed watching especially as a women. It shows us both sides of the opinion of abortion which are those who are for it (pro choice) and those who are against it (pro life).
It was very interesting to see these different women tell their stories and to actually see them go through the process. To see those who decided to go through with the abortion, those who decided to keep their babies and those who decided to give their children up for adoption. But it was really sad to hear about those women who have their babies but are financially unstable and don’t have a proper place to live. It sort of makes me even happier that us women have abortion as an option because i know it would be hard struggling to take care of a baby while struggling to take care of yourself.
This documentary sort of upset me a little because I don’t like the fact that there are men who feel like they can tell a woman it is wrong to have an abortion when they will never know what it is like to have to make that decision as a baby is growing inside you. I also don’t like the fact that there are other women who feel they can tell other women what they should do with their bodies. I get that there are people who see abortion as wrong but like having other opinions, I wish they would just keep it to themselves. Yes the protesters have a right to their opinions they wouldn’t shame those who decide to go through with an abortion. I know there are a lot of people who see it as taking an innocent life but I personally see it as these brave strong women making the decision to not bring a child or children into this world when they know they cannot give it the life they deserve or know they aren’t ready. People see it as a selfish decision made but it can also be seen as selfish to bring a child into this world knowing you cannot give it the best life it deserves.
Hobby Lobby: Last week tonight with John Oliver talks about Hobby Lobby founders claiming they should have freedom of religion because they think birth control mandates conflict with their Christian faith. Hobby Lobby does not like the fact that the health insurance plan they have for their employees gives them access to birth control. They believe they should be able to control their employees’ access to birth control which to me is very weird. I understand they follow a certain religion and believe certain things but they shouldn’t have a right to control whether or not their employees take birth control or not. What they do with their bodies is their choice just like it’s the hobby lobby’s founders’ choices to do what they want with their bodies.
I really liked heatherlees snapshot because it shows how people will fight for their rights on what they do with their body when it comes to something they don’t want to do like getting the vaccine but when it comes to stuff like abortions they believe they can tell other people what to do with their bodies.