The problem that has no name”. The matter that is still keeping women in the dark and having to be treated like second options. The issue that is having a lot of females questioning their worth and thinking to themselves, “is this all I amount to”. The Feminine Mystique is a reading which explores the lives of countless females after the world war. Women were expected to be the “typical American housewife”, they were expected to take pride in not “existing”. For years, it was a duty of the women, to be a good wife and a mother to her kids. To cook, clean, do the laundry and never indulge herself in higher education. Politics, employment etc. were of the responsibilities of men. What is the problem? The vague barrier that captured women from interceding those undefined urges to be something more than just a “housewife’. For generations mothers, grandmothers, aunties have had to painfully give up dreams, hopes and aspirations. For over a decade, if a woman was to have a dream, it was to keep her husband happy so he does not leave her (how is keeping someone else happy your dream or duty), to have kids and let them be well fed. “Experts told them how to catch a man and keep him, how to breastfeed children and handle their toilet training, how to cope with sibling rivalry and adolescent rebellion; how to buy a dishwasher, bake bread, cook gourmet snails, and build a swimming pool with their own hands; how to dress, look, and act more feminine and make marriage more exciting; how to keep their husbands from dying young and their sons from growing into delinquents”. Who are these experts? How are they so sure that this what a woman should do? And most importantly, are the women happy or content doing these activities? Society has induced the thoughts into us those men have always and should always have the upper hand in major discussion circulating us, and even the ones that directly affects our lives. According to the reading, long ago women used to envy men and tried to be like them, instead of trying to find destiny in their “femineity” and having glory in that. Women have fought for equal rights and now that liberation is almost here, there seems to be another barrier. Facing prejudice and discrimination in the workplace, school and so on. The issues relating to the feminine mystique is far from over, but there is hope.
I learnt in my middle school days, there were parts of the world where an activity called, “Female Genital Mutilation” was practiced. It was a kind of norm during those to cut the clitoris of an adolescent who had hit puberty. This was a very important practice which took place to prevent the females from having sexual desires, and furtherly driving them to have sexual intercourse before marriage. Thus, the main purpose of the practice during those times was to both prevent teenage pregnancy and premarital intercourse. Of course it was not mandated, however mothers and heads of families forced their female daughters into doing this mostly to prevent shame befalling their families.