Author Archives: Patience Ocran

Response 3

It’s quite fascinating how people are being treated in societies according to their race or color of skin. It’s rather unfair that we subject individuals to such unscrupulous division that breeds contempt among others, it’s relatively unhealthy in my opinion to even associate ones self with people based on preferences align based on skin color or race. Some countries in the world have been located as places of high abuse of colored people and the United States isn’t any different. It will take a lot to understand that society has given us the stratifications that exist sometimes directly or indirectly such as neighborhoods have been classified as for strictly blacks, Latinos, Mexicans, Chinese and others classified strictly for whites. This division has ate its way into every aspect of our societies where it have caused more harm and damage because to an extent where we would have to start treating one another according to our skin color and at large restrictions come about naturally in such scenarios. Certain social amenities like hospitals that should even provide health care for all would even be limited to some particular skin color and others rejected although they may all even be legal citizens, certain sides of stadiums have been allocated to only blacks and other sides to only whites even though they may all be on the same team. This then draws my attention to the distaste and dissatisfaction I get when I have to live my life freely as a Black person, previously history recollects the abuse Black people have been subjected to which led to a global concern that initiated the “black lives matter” ideology which transcends way over the stretch of America to every aspect of the world. This are some common things that would be raised should we still treating people in regards to differences in their skin color. It is natural that white people in the States happen to enjoy their rights and privileges without any harassment than black people, blacks have been tagged as drug lords and addicts and should be treated unfairly while the whites are to be respected, blacks are made to accept a nature that tarnishes their image while the whites are praised and this are some of the reasons I strongly believe we should come together and mitigate such occurrences from societies for we need each other and regardless we are one people who need one another to survive in the world.

In oppression, It’s also relatively strange how we treat people based on gender or sex. To me, it’s unhealthy and quite not necessary to socially construct the roles of people based on the earlier aligned social constructs. This could lead to an abuse of the fundamental human rights of individuals or curtail certain privileges that one could enjoy which is literally unfair and one shouldn’t be treated that way. Most at times societies enjoy to place priority on certain things to justify why one is being given such a role to play and the other vice versa, on some series of interest hard-work or manual work which requires a lot of energy and muscle is believed to a mans job and feminine take care of less tedious work like house chores among others. It’s also believed that men have higher IQs or brain capabilities and as such should be leaders of societies among others while women should live in their shadows. To me, although it could make a lot of sense that stratification isn’t needed, it’s bogus and shouldn’t be tolerated, it’s heartbreaking to limit people’s ability to do certain things simply because they belong to a particular group of gender or sex. It would only be thoughtful of people if opportunities are rather given to people to showcase their capabilities than to judge them from the onset, it would be better to accept that others could fail and others could succeed despite their gender or sex and as such everyone deserves the same role and opportunity to avoid any form of oppression.

The Legend of Sappho

In the Ancient Greek, they had a social construct where men were allowed to have relationships with their fellow men and women to men but no construct accommodated women to have relationships with other women.

The legend of Sappho is from the Ancient Greek and it also believed that a young male can be in a relationship with older men as long as the young male is less than 16years old and or in custody of someone, older men can engage in any sexual relationships with the young male (Gays). Whereas in the legend of Sappho, it was against their greek religion or social construct to allow a woman to have an affair with another fellow woman (lesbians). So therefore if any woman had feelings for another woman, they would have to hide behind closed doors and if caught would lead to banishment or sentenced to death etc. Sappho herself was a lesbian and as a poet, she had to hide behind her writings to portray her love and affections. She mostly expressed her feelings in her poems, novels and also wrote about relationships of the same sex but could not actually tell anyone because their social construct didn’t allow it.

Content response 2

It’s fascinating how we treat others that we believe not to be in accordance to our norms and social construct, to people that don’t behave according to our perceived way of living. We tend as a society to react awkward to non binary and gender non conforming people. We have made a general if not a universal claim on what one is supposed to be like from birth, how one is supposed  to be treated pertaining to the type of gender or sex since infancy.  Even if there’s a little tolerance it isn’t acceptable by the lot. There were instances where even organizations and people in power say governments have laid down certain delegations that discriminated.

In light of this, some arguments have been mastered to either in my view continue discriminating against people that don’t consider themselves as part of any gender or sex which is binary or to keep abusing them one way or the other, have been divided into four main categories which includes the dismissal, inconvenience, biology and the slippery slope. This arguments will be carefully scrutinized and discussed starting with dismissal. In this argument it is believed that every human should have a common knowledge or sense that only two genders and sex exist and one can’t be either both or outside that circle, anything beyond that is a disorder that needs to be remedied. It is believed that most at times it’s just the internet in this modern times trying to provide a framework to accept different values when actually only two gender and sex do exist. 

In addition, inconvenience. Social and cultural construct of gender have forced people to either choose a gender or be left out, individuals have been forced to join the majority as the minority which belongs to people who feel different and have accepted that style and attribute have been subjected to shame as the minority and have been abused one way or the other. It is now a norm for one to hide just for being different because there would be no one to support you therefore we are all subjected to avoid being neutral because it erases us from being either a man or woman and so therefore can’t enjoy any benefits allocated to any sex nor gender.

Also, biology. While gender is a cultural and social construct, Sex is biological and it is believed that’s how reproduction takes effect and so therefore one must be of natural cause being created or reproduced as either a male or female. There are researches that shows that men and women do have a lot of distinct features and that is enough for us not to doubt science that only two sexes and gender actually do exist where anything beyond is abnormal and should or must be treated as such.

Finally the slippery slope. It is widely known that this method of argument is employed so as to avoid some fallacies and troubles from occurring, it is believed that there will be chaos if we allow everyone to choose to belong to any gender, that to some extent anyone can choose to be something they are not and can’t or shouldn’t be. Should that not even be the case, it is definitely going to be of benefit to some particular group of people especially men and leaving women behind because society mostly enjoys hailing men as compared to women.