Author Archives: Patience Ocran

Content response 12

In our modern era, it’s obvious we have more rights and freedoms granted in the states which had then granted vast acclamation to LGBTQ+ and everything it encompasses. This paper would center more on transgender which would have a wide range to scout in individuals who believe that they don’t fit into the range of social construct that recognizes gender on their own measure by sexes. This people believe there’s a need for everyone to have feeling or self control to choose freely and wisely where to fit in and belong to without any form of restrictions one way or the other. These people have a notion that being masculine and feminine has been improperly constructed by societies attributing it to sexes which in turn takes away any freedom and right of yours to make an informed decision which was popularly frowned upon sometime ago.

Especially with extreme religious factions, it’s an abomination to choose to change the way you’ve been made or created, you have no choice nor right to make any alterations to how you’ve been created while growing up. To others who advocate for transgender, they make a firm stance although they are few, have been cast aside and out of society for relatively a long period of time and even now with little forum given, they find it a little difficult to come out fully as society again would react indifferent in the long run. The depression and trauma that these folks go through simply because they want to make choices of gender themselves and not follow the normative laid out by the structures in our societies have led to them being outcasts among friends and family. They have been made to hide in the shadows and undertake or enjoy their choices in silence, some have managed to come out and stand firm to motivate others like them especially in the States so they know they are not alone and there’s more that could be done to value themselves and be equals to any other person who lives in the society too.

Now on media sets, numerous folks who have the opportunity to showcase their transgender choices are literally paving way for everyone to feel good and content with the choice they made. To the others who are still finding it hard to accept that which people did to their gender either by transplant or choice, would detest staying and living with such people but that wouldn’t stop anyone from legally changing their gender simply because people don’t like it, it’s now all about choices, freewill and the law giving them the chance to make important calls that would affect their lives. In today’s world, being a transgender has gotten more approval than that of the past ages. This shows the development that have been undergone to help ease the tension and pressure in societies that have been exerted on those we use to call “indifferent” to now become our brothers and sisters regardless the extreme choices they made. It’s now acceptable in the United States and other European countries that people do have the right to change their gender whenever they want to and I believe that would also be a step forward to adapt to the fast changing and developing world we have today.

Response 11

Abortion have become the norm in some parts of the world and to that extent the United States. It’s also being frowned on by some individuals and group of people. Some of this notions and theories that they depend on to debunk abortion is mostly religious or on some moral and ethical basis which includes the killing of a fetus which is a baby and also it being a sin as described by the Bible, the word of God. It still doesn’t stop others or warrant them from engaging in such a practice, among these people that abort babies both the doctors and the patients, there’s several reasons for such a cause.

Some undertake such an act simply because it’s their body and they have every right to do anything of will to it. They also go on to argue that it’s their right to have a say in what goes on in their life and to that effect their right to use their body to their own want and need and doesn’t require permission from anyone before aborting a baby. Others also give the reason of they not wanting to have a baby at that particular period of time because it’s unwanted. This could be because of personal notions like plans, others would say it’s not something they agreed upon but happened out of the blue. Others argue that it was a mistake that they got pregnant because they were either not ready or they didn’t know they were pregnant until some days and that they needed to get rid of it.

Abortion thus have around it series of issues from social to religious and political as well. Aside from the legalization of abortion to accommodate those that didn’t plan it, and might feel it was a mistake and have genuine reasons to abort the unplanned child and also to facilitate the legitimacy of the doctor or medical officer undertaking the process, it’s normal for such societies to understand what was at stake and why they did what they did. In places where discrimination is relatively high and more religious folks tend to out weigh others, they frown on abortion because of the moral prejudices that comes with it. They say it’s a sin and ethically wrong to engage in such an act. It’s also very assuring that we see advocates especially coming from the church faction or christian faction engaging individuals who are going to abort babies to try and convince them on changing their minds and considering not going to undertake the abortion. They believe it’s murder and equivalent to killing children because the fetus can be considered a human being as well with a soul and deserves to be given the chance to live because God has a plan for him and his or her life. Abortion to others might not be seen as harmful because of the effects that it might have on the subject like death through excessive bleeding and some psychological effects later on. Others might cope well because it’s an informed decision and would stand by their choice regardless.

Response 1

Over the years people try confusing feminism with the likes of gender and sex. It’s very true indeed that , we can’t simply do away with the terms involved but sexism or sexes , that is the genetic make up of being a male or female and gender which refers to a social construct dealing with the roles played by men or women actually do come together to explain what exactly is meant by feminism. We can’t also dissociate the fact that it’s mainly women in the mainstream among those pushing for feminist actions one way or the other but on the other hand that shouldn’t be the case. We get to realize women normally go all the way to push for gender equality , trying to bridge the gap that have been created in society in terms of males dominating the system one way or the other. It’s very much important that we understand that the main reason women are seen in the scene combating male dominance is relatively because of patriarchy. The main interesting part of these made women feel very uncomfortable that they are being limited and persuaded to disregard any form of retaliation against male dominance. Women were made to succumb and follow suit to men always secondary when it comes to leadership positions especially in politics. Revolution were led and people especially women who felt the need to combat such crisis made it a head way to accomplish a goal to be on an equal forum and level with other men. Another important faction of all this happens to be the black feminism or black feminists who fought for equality after realizing the series of racial abuses they faced when they try to propagate something on their own. It became their mainstream that even pushed further the idea that women literally are the mainstream of feminism but it shouldn’t be the case for feminism, just like gender, should be a conception and shouldn’t be only characterized to sexes, but sometimes about the depiction of the social construct on the issues of roles played. Equity and equality happens to now be the mainstream of the works of feminists over the past few years. It’s rather important that we explain so everyone understands that feminism is for everybody and everyone has their role to play one way or the other. Things or responsibilities like taking care of children, doing some domestic house chores like cooking and cleaning shouldn’t be the explanations that should or must be leveled for feminism deducing their functions in societies to such a lower pace. It’s acceptable also that largely, women do have a more advanced behavior that makes it easy to naturally tally them as feminists yet there’s a slight line that means feminism should be a social construct that would accommodate all persons. Women thus took to politics to cement their spot and take their rightful space as con-equals and shouldn’t be undermined because being a woman by sex doesn’t mandate anyone to be limited and fall short because of the likes of patriarchy.

Response 10

It’s a very delicate matter to tackle when the context is been drawn to identity politics. With no definite explanation to what it means, observations have been made that shows such instances where one makes up an identity politically. In the States, identity politics is largely based on sexes and race. Without much taken from the context, typical Americans won’t only discriminate on racial grounds but a social construct of sex where patriarchy rules the system and white conservatives on racial basis are seen to be the superior and most fit to govern. Based on the Cambahee River Collective Statement which surfaced in 1977 which was deliberately developed by black feminists, identity politics which was taking out women participation especially that of black women from the mainstream politics of the States was then frowned upon by the statement and critically fought against.

In view of this, it’s become like a war that need to be hard fought not only on races and gender but now on psychological and mental basis. Blacks are cast out and women limited, Latino and Hispanics are now also considered not worthy of any position in the political scene as its believed only white conservatives are capable and deservingly the best to be in such positions of the State. This political identity originated when typical White People decided to be racial in order to serve only to the best interest of people of their own kind and to that effect white women which indirectly sidelines and deprives blacks and Latinos from any privilege whatsoever that is being enjoyed by the whites themselves.

Political identity shouldn’t be anything that should separate people and create factions in societies. It rather should foster unity and tolerance, it should be a way by which different groups of people should relate with each other by respecting each other’s views and formulating policies that would affect each other positively because it’s the only way for harmonious living in a society. It should be a bridge between the gap created on racial, sex and gender basis. It’s important to understand that society is at peace if we don’t create enemies among ourselves, discriminating which tends to fracture the relationships we develop should be eliminated. It should be our way of understanding things that would define our identities politically. Inasmuch as we tend to have different ideologies and support different political parties, it’s reasonable that we come together as one to build countries one way or the other.

To some extent we are not only creating political identities on the grounds of races and gender but now to an extent we do it per religious affiliations. This means and ways of attribution is solely based on our belief systems and this then makes it extremely difficult for to do away with the problems that is being created by certain identity politics. It’s our duty to understand and accept people’s view on issues while we accept their affiliations not only to religion but also accept the fact that others are males or females and others being white, black or Latino without any form of discrimination.

Response 9

Feminist actions were taken in previous times across the globe which became rampant in the states for equality where women are considered befitting to also hold positions in the political realm and have a career in the scene. This fight have now been centered on whites mainly leaving out any Black person whatsoever, women who are black started fighting for a space within this arena within the 1960s. In the phase of fighting for what they wanted, they categorized it into four distinct yet connected times. The first step is the genesis of contemporary Black feminism. In the beginning, white rule was very dominant and to this extent we couldn’t even have males that are black representing themselves let alone having their women participating in politics. Over the years, a gradual change have made it possible for us to eliminate this mindset of white dominance and to see women who are black as fit to also hold portfolios in the government and have their say when it comes to politics. In 1973, National Black Feminist Organization was formed to champion the cause to have black women have equality, equity and breaking the chain of sexual violence anytime they want an office. They then formulated some important policies for themselves that came in handy for them to break the scene and make an impact.

The second aspect have to do with “What we believe”. It’s more of a mental notion that is to make an impact and that is for us to believe in what we need and want. Black feminists believed that they’re worth a lot and under no circumstance are they below the standard that have been set for them. They believed that together they could make an impact one way or the other, they knew it was very much important that they stand firm and together so they could achieve the aim of being the full realized version of their capabilities in politics. After bridging the gap in some aspects like speech where it’s believed that our tongue had in it a language that is profane and insultive and doesn’t qualify us to have a role to play in the public sphere. It’s very much important now that we come to realize that we have a notion that we black women are not worth anything according to the whites which is their reason for keeping us out have now come to strategize and beat that mindset into appearing in the scene. We know we can and as such have started the socialist doctrine which would have to benefit everyone regardless skin color.

The third and fourth phase is the problems in organizing Black feminists, including a brief herstory of our collective; and Black feminist issues and practice. The defeats that came from the phase where the establishment of the black feminists surfaced were many and very much heavy. They had to not only deal with racism of they being black and get assaulted or verbally abused but have to suffer on basis of gender and sexes as well because of patriarchy. This then instilled fear into some people and made them disperse to avoid any form of oppression one way or the other leading to a drastic decrease in their numbers. This was so much problematic because the numbers were needed for everything to in plan and without them, the work would seem useless.

In the final aspect of it, they then achieved a great deal of success later on as they became stronger. After gaining popularity and a little bit of power from the general public, they then shot into addressing the issues of gender inequality and patriarchy and later moved to address racism to the brim. It was thanks to their collective efforts especially in 1974 that have led to a massive impact that bridged that long gap stopping black women becoming who and what they want to be especially in the political arena.