In our modern era, it’s obvious we have more rights and freedoms granted in the states which had then granted vast acclamation to LGBTQ+ and everything it encompasses. This paper would center more on transgender which would have a wide range to scout in individuals who believe that they don’t fit into the range of social construct that recognizes gender on their own measure by sexes. This people believe there’s a need for everyone to have feeling or self control to choose freely and wisely where to fit in and belong to without any form of restrictions one way or the other. These people have a notion that being masculine and feminine has been improperly constructed by societies attributing it to sexes which in turn takes away any freedom and right of yours to make an informed decision which was popularly frowned upon sometime ago.
Especially with extreme religious factions, it’s an abomination to choose to change the way you’ve been made or created, you have no choice nor right to make any alterations to how you’ve been created while growing up. To others who advocate for transgender, they make a firm stance although they are few, have been cast aside and out of society for relatively a long period of time and even now with little forum given, they find it a little difficult to come out fully as society again would react indifferent in the long run. The depression and trauma that these folks go through simply because they want to make choices of gender themselves and not follow the normative laid out by the structures in our societies have led to them being outcasts among friends and family. They have been made to hide in the shadows and undertake or enjoy their choices in silence, some have managed to come out and stand firm to motivate others like them especially in the States so they know they are not alone and there’s more that could be done to value themselves and be equals to any other person who lives in the society too.
Now on media sets, numerous folks who have the opportunity to showcase their transgender choices are literally paving way for everyone to feel good and content with the choice they made. To the others who are still finding it hard to accept that which people did to their gender either by transplant or choice, would detest staying and living with such people but that wouldn’t stop anyone from legally changing their gender simply because people don’t like it, it’s now all about choices, freewill and the law giving them the chance to make important calls that would affect their lives. In today’s world, being a transgender has gotten more approval than that of the past ages. This shows the development that have been undergone to help ease the tension and pressure in societies that have been exerted on those we use to call “indifferent” to now become our brothers and sisters regardless the extreme choices they made. It’s now acceptable in the United States and other European countries that people do have the right to change their gender whenever they want to and I believe that would also be a step forward to adapt to the fast changing and developing world we have today.