Author Archives: Magaly Garcia

Response 7

            In the video “The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire” there was a building called ASCH building. In that building there was about 500 employees working there 11-12 hours a day. There were women working there who didn’t speak English and they were young. On March 25, 1911, there was a fire that started and there was no way to put out the fire. The hose of the extinguisher was not working and there was no way for the workers to get out because there was only one elevator working and it can only hold 12 people. Also, the emergency was locked, and they couldn’t get out through there and many people started to jump. About 144 people died from the fire and two died in the hospital. It’s sad that these workers died because the emergency doors were locked and if it wasn’t for these emergency doors being locked, I believe these workers would’ve survived. It’s not fair that the factory owners were found not guilty because it was their fault that they kept the emergency door locked.             

            In the video “Triangle Returns” it mentions how there was a fire in one of the factories in Bangladesh on December 14, 2010. The same thing that happened in the shirtwaist factory it happened in the factory in Bangladesh. The workers tried to go down the stairs to exist the building, but the fire was too strong and then they tried to exit through the emergency door, but the doors were also locked. These workers wanted to get paid more but companies like Gap and Walmart didn’t want to pay them more. I think this is unbelievable from companies like Gap and Walmart in which a lot of people buy from and I’m pretty sure they make a lot of money. It’s not fair that these people are working in factories for little pay and they are risking their lives and only getting one day off a month.  It’s something that we need to do as a society because these people are working for little money and people who shop at these stores don’t realize what these workers are going through working in factories. I like my classmate Emely D picture because it shows women fighting to get a higher a raise. I believe they were doing the right thing because working in a factory it can be a risk to them just how the fire started and not having a way to get out the building. Also, having little pay and working many hours without a break it’s not fair to the workers. 

Response 6

            In the video “Untold Stories of Black Women in the suffrage movement” they talk about Ida B. Wells was a journalist, educator, and a leader in the civil rights movement. Ida B. Wells fought for equality for African Americans but mostly for women. Ida B. Wells fought for the rights for women. At the age of eighteen she had lost her parents and brother and later moved to Tennessee with her siblings.  Ida B. Wells exposed lynching towards African Americans and them being oppressed. Susan B. Anthony was an activist in the Women’s suffrage movement. Women all over the world went to Washington to protest during the Women’s suffrage movement and African American women were in the protest but they had to be in the back. Even though they were in the back they still were part of the Women’s suffrage movement. It’s really inspiring how these African American women fought for civil rights to have the same rights as other women. These women never gave up and created their own group to work together and make a change. 

            In “One Hundred years toward Suffrage” it shows us different events that happened over the years and leading up to women being able to vote. In 1776 Abigail Adams wrote to her husband “Remember the Ladies” this shows that she was saying that women are also part of this country and should have the right to speak up about politics just as men do. In 1849 Harriet Tubman escaped from slavery and for ten years she helped slaves escape from the underground railroad. I believe that it was brave of Harriet Tubman to do to help all those slaves escape knowing what the risks were. This is powerful in how women did all these things to gain the same rights as men and because of these women us women now can vote and get the same privileges as men such as getting an education and jobs. I like my classmates Kevin Kimble snapshot because it shows women walking to show that women should get the right to vote. 

Response 5

            Activism is about a group of people coming together to make a change in society. In the reading “How to Think Like an Activist” by Wendy Syfret describes activism as being something people would do back then to get their voices heard by those higher in power and it’s something that people still do today. Wendy Syfret writes about how social media now a days makes a bigger impact today and it’s a way to inform the public on issues in the world and do something about it. For example, when the Black Lives Matter protest happened everyone was getting informed about it because people were posting videos on social media and the news would discuss about it. People being informed about the Black Lives Matter protest wanted to make the public do something about it and wanted to join the protests. According to Wendy Syfret, “The best way to make sure that you’re able to stick with it for the long haul is to have a clear and deep understanding of what you’re fighting for.” Wendy Syfret explains that is good to be educated about what you’re fighting for and have questions and inform others around you or talk with other activists. Wendy Syfret gives set of values such as having a mentor with experience and having talking points. Being an activist is about staying informed about the topic that a person may be fighting for and surrounding themselves with other activists to share their ideas. Activist can also inform those who don’t know about the topic and it’s a way to interest other people about what they’re fighting for. 

            The documentary “United in Anger” was about people protesting for AIDS to get medication and do something about people getting infected with AIDS. The group ACT UP was a group of people coming together to talk about AIDS and many people had friends and those who they were in a relationship with that were infected with AIDS. The ACT UP group gathered and were protesting outside the FDA headquarters because they wanted drugs to be released already because many friends and loved ones were passing away from AIDS. Not only was there an ACT UP group but there were many other groups who joined to protest. This protest was getting attention from the media and there were videos shown about the protest. The protesters never gave up about what they were fighting for even they were getting arrested they were still yelling out phrases that was shown that they were fighting for the FDA to release drugs for AIDS. Even if it took years to get medication the ACT UP group still wanted to make a change in the world. I like the images my classmate Raquel Hernandez used because it’s a representation of what activism is, and it involves all of us in the world and the caption “Fight today for a better tomorrow” is something that everyone needs to hear because we can make a difference now in order to have better days in the world. 

Response 4

            In the reading “Patriarchy, the system” by Allan G. Johnson the author tells us that both men and women are oppressed. The reading tells us that social life is what shapes how people are in society. Most people don’t do anything when they see something wrong and instead of doing something about it everyone just walks away from the situation. For example, one time I was the train and there was this man sitting with his daughter on his lap and this lady was standing but barely touching him afterwards he started screaming at the lady because he said that he was hitting him with her bag. Even though the train was already full, and the train kept moving and everyone was just looking at the man and didn’t say anything to him because he was wrong about it and the lady was barely leaning towards him. The reading also mentions how schools, religion, the media, etc. shapes a person and who they are in their lives. I would have to agree with this because most people can have a celebrity they look up to or they see the way other people act and sometimes some people want to do what others do. In the reading Allan G. Johnson says, “Patriarchy is a kind of society organized around certain kinds of social relationships and ideas that shape paths of least resistance.” This means that society is shaped around what’s around them and people grow up to be who they see around them and that interferes with the actions they take in their lives. The reading also mentions how society shapes our actions an example Allan G. Johnson gave was, “a young male college student at a party, for example, observes another man taking sexual advantage of a young woman who is clearly so drunk that she has little idea of what is happening, there are many things he could do.” The example Allan G. Johnson gave was an example of what the male would do if he would walk away or help the girl. In most cases someone would walk away if they didn’t want any trouble or stand up and protect the girl. I feel like it depends in the person in how they were raised and the society they grew up around.  

            In “There I No Hierarchy of Oppressions” by Audre Lorde, she talks about being a black and lesbian woman. She mentions how she wants to make a change in the world for the future and her children. Audre Lorde also mentions how oppression comes in different sexes and color. She also mentions that children should be shown to be their own person to make a change in the world. I liked my classmates Nazir’s post because it mentions how men are not the problem in society, but patriarchy is because of how the world is shaped and how people act in society. It doesn’t have to do about the social norms of women or men but the actions they take in society and if they do something to stand up to society. 

Response 3

            In the reading “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack” by Peggy McIntosh it talked about “White Privilege” in how your skin is a privilege such as white people having more privileges than those who are colored skin. For example, if a white person can be getting interviewed for a job and a colored person can go for the same job and may have a degree too but the white person gets hired. In my experience one time after school me and my friends went to a Sephora and went inside like any other person and looked around and the whole time there was a security guard following us around. Until my friend said something to the security guard, he stopped following us and we still decided to walk out because we didn’t feel comfortable being in the store anymore. This shows how in society people judge you for your color or appearance not because of who you are. You usually see that white people are more privileged to walk around without having to be afraid to get stopped by a police officer but someone of any other race would be afraid of getting stopped by a police officer. For instance, if a white person was to commit murder and a person of other race such as Black, Hispanic, Asian, etc. committed the same crime the white person would get less years in jail than those who are from any other race. 

            In the reading “Oppression” by Marilyn Frye says a quote, “Consider a birdcage. If you look very closely at just one wire in the cage, you cannot see the other wires.” Marilyn Frye is basically representing the birdcage as women being oppressed. Society only sees what’s in front of them, but they don’t see the other barriers people have in their lives. For example, when a woman gets raped people think that she enjoyed it, but they don’t realize what really happened to her. She could be feeling upset or scared but people think that she enjoyed it just because of what the media portrays her as. The reading “Oppression” describes the word oppression as people judging others but the actions that are done but they don’t see the barriers that they have. Marilyn Frye gives the example of what women could wear such as dressing like she doesn’t care about herself or “unfeminine”. A woman can be judged for her appearance and make her look bad in front of someone else. Society judges a person for their appearance but, they don’t realize what that person may be going through. I like the picture my classmate Hillary shared with us because it states that a skin color of a person can determine the opportunities that they can get in life. For example, someone can be getting on the train whether they are Hispanic, black or Asian and they could be looked at in a weird way and a person can move to the other side of the cart but if it was a white person they wouldn’t be looked at weird and the person sitting wouldn’t move to the other side of the cart.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Magaly Garcia Midterm

Question 1: How do systems of privilege and oppression function in our society? How do we combat these systems? 

            The systems of privilege and oppression today function as race and social status. In society white people are always the ones who are privileged instead of those of color. For example, most of the time we see children’s books or books that are based on white people instead of other races. Now a days we see more books that are coming out that are from other races. Oppression is when someone who has power and takes advantage over someone else. For example, in society we have economic status of people in which those who are rich control the poor. In that case people who are poor and are working only make enough to have food and somewhere to live. We can combat these systems by not viewing people any way different and instead help each other by volunteering. 

Question 2: What is the concept of intersectionality and why is it important in women’s, gender, and sexuality studies? 

            The concept of intersectionality is discrimination and oppression over gender, race, class, and sexual orientation. Intersectionality is important in women’s gender and sexuality studies because there’s always discrimination. For example, a women can be discriminated if she’s wearing something that is too revealing and if she has friends that are just guys. In the eyes of people, it may look wrong that she’s hanging out with just men or that wearing something too revealing is her throwing herself to men. In “Beyond the Gender Binary” by Alok V. Manon he mentions “40 percent of trans and gender non-conforming people have attempted suicide.” This shows that many of those who have been discriminated have tried to commit suicide. It’s sad to see that people are still being discriminated about their sexuality. Society should understand that everyone is different and has different likes whether it’s how the person dresses or them liking someone the opposite sex. 

Question 3: Why is it important to recognize patriarchy as a system and not an individual identity? 

            It is important to recognize patriarchy as a system and not an individual identity because in society men are the ones who have power over women. We have seen this in society where men think that women should be at home and be a housewife and take care of the children. Even back in the day women couldn’t really take the jobs that men had or have an education. In society today we see this happen in some countries in which women can’t get an education. Women should be able to have the same rights as men whether if it’s in a work environment or at home. Men should be able to support women’s right and there should be equality between both men and women. 

Question 4: How is gender constructed and learned in our society? How do we perform gender?

 Gender is constructed by the behaviors and roles of women, men, girls, and boys. In society gender is learned by how one is raised and their interactions with other people. We perform gender in society by when we are born. When we are born parents usually get things that are pink for a girl and blue for a boy. Even when buying a girl toy, they get toys such as dolls, doll houses, kitchen toys, etc. It goes the same for a boy a boy would usually get a car or anything that has to do with male toys. We usually see the roles in society as women and men that women should be staying at home and taking care of the children while the men work. Now a days we see that both roles can be played by both men and women. Even though in some countries is still believed that women should be the ones to stay home and the men to work. I believe that both men and women can work and take responsibility of the things that need to get done at home. 

Question 5: What is the difference between sex and gender? How are sex and gender conflated (converged and confused) within our culture? 

            The different between sex and gender is that sex is referred to as biological and physiological features. Gender is the social and culture roles of male and female. Sex and gender are confused in our culture by not realizing the difference between sex and gender. Sex is based on when a girl or a boy is born based on their biological features. Gender in our culture is viewed as females wearing dresses or skirts and they don’t expect males to wear any of it. Now a days we see people dressing the way they want to and it’s something we see every day. We shouldn’t discriminate against those who wear anything different that wouldn’t be “normal” in society. 

Question 6: What is a double bind? How do double binds function within our society?

            A double bind is when an individual or a group of people receive two or more conflicting messages. Double binds function in society by having oppression towards people. For example, Women can be oppressed by wearing something that is too revealing, and people would judge her for it and think that she is throwing herself at men or that she wants the attention on her. Women get judge for what they wear when it’s too revealing but sometimes, they want to dress that way whenever they’re going out. It’s not something that they wear every day. In society women are the ones to be oppressed because sometimes there’s men that control them and want them to treat them a certain way. Such as having the food done once they get home from work or not having the choice to work and be a housewife.