Author Archives: Heatherlee


Question 1: How do systems of privilege and oppression function in our society? How do we combat these systems?

Social regulation is how systems of privilege and oppression function in our society. The social regulations in place by privilege authorities, they dictate how one can interact with one another, who can/can’t access resources, who is able to be seen and heard oppose to those who “shouldn’t” be listened to nor to be bothered with. Those who don’t have the luxury of power and money are seen as objects, things to pawn off like deals. For example, when a family doesn’t have the background of money, the parents agree to married off their youngest to a man of money. In America, everything is approached as a business deal. There is nothing humane in this process, “No human is free of social structures, nor (perhaps) would happiness consist in such freedom” stated in There Is No Hierarchy of Oppression by Audre Lorde. The social structures strengthen the oppression functions by furthering the discrimination in gender, culture, skin color, and social class. 

To combat these systems, we as community must come to a hard realization, that we all will have to come down from our bias realities. This includes people from multiple oppressed groups and non-oppressed people to agree on the claim that equality is something someone is born with not given. We must forget what we have been taught and listen to the information presented now in front of us. As a community we must set our differences aside to acknowledge times are changing so the people should be accommodating to change. We should be able to share the wrongs together and the wins, breaking the cycle together not just one individual. As a group, the cycle will be completely broken and won’t be able to repeat itself.

Question 2: What is the concept of intersectionality and why is it important in women’s, gender, and sexuality studies?

The concept of intersectionality is recognizing that all groups of people have their own experiences of discrimination and oppression, they all face disadvantages of inequality in varies or all types of environments. This is extremely important in women’s gender, and sexuality studies because women are already at a disadvantage through their gender. Women have had to fight for their equal right since before time began because men feel obligated to be in control of all including women. Johnson Allan states in Patriarchy the systems “The oppression of women happens because men want and like to dominate women and act out hostility toward them.” Women having the slightest of power threatens the man’s masculinity and hurts their social status of men needing to be in control and viewed as strong. This toxic mindset leads to women’s decrease and placement in the hierarchy of society. 

Question 3: Why is it important to recognize patriarchy as a system and not an individual identity?

It is important to recognize patriarchy as a system and not an individual identify because we will be able to see all the intricate parts and individuals that are corrupting the system. By viewing it as an individual identify, we will never acknowledge the depth of the issues rotting the systems. Is not just one, but multiple and varies of groups of people that create conflict between the genders of men and women. When speaking of patriarchy, men feel singled out. In Patriarchy the System by Johnson Allan states “a lot of people hear men whenever someone says patriarchy”, It’s not only men but women as well who demonstrate privilege through oppression. The oppression of women has been altered to signify that all men are the oppressive manipulators but, men are oppressed as well. It would help if men would acknowledge women as human beings as well so they can become recognized as a part of society and not seen as objects. Toxic masculinity has led men into believing they are the only rightful ones to be in power in all environmental structures. The way men speak on power and their rightful entitlement, they should have the same drive for women’s gender equality, rights, and way of life. Together, it will be acknowledged, and change could occur throughout society. 

Question 4: How is gender constructed and learned in our society? How do we perform gender?

Gender is constructed the day one is born, through what we come into the world with, and it is learned in society that we are one or the other. We cannot be both nor none, we must be identified as male or female. Kyles Myers claim “most distinctions of biological sex are made off the appearance of an individual’s external genitalia”. Gender can be used to discriminate one another and at times another form of patriarchy. Gender can be used in a system where society and the government can belittle and as well influence a toxic way of thinking. Society has in place rules and regulations that genders must fulfill to be identified as female or male. These regulations can restrict one’s way of life, opportunities, and creativity. By stepping out of the norms, it can create a target on your back for violence, backlash, and mistreatment. These regulations are in place for order, disciplines, and structure. Without structure, there is no organization and without organization there isn’t order. With order comes power, power is main component into why gender is so important to the hierarchy. Gender is performed the way genders are rated, men are seen as a dominant person who takes lead and charge of “hard” work, while females are seen as a submissive person that takes care of those around her and only needs to worry about their appearance. During the times of today, this structure has changed. Men can express emotions without being seen as less of a man and women are able to care for more than just for their appearance. Women can work, present themselves as leaders and show their dominant side without it signifying war on men. Yes, there is still people who view this as an act of war on men’s masculinity but those who can overlooked that toxic way of thinking can see how rewarding and freeing it is to not have a gender standard. Men can freely express themselves and not have to hold everything in together for their families, and women are able to carry weight for themselves and their families. Women and Men can share the workloads, power, and control. 

Question 5: What is the difference between sex and gender? How are sex and gender conflated (converged and confused) within our culture?

In our social construction, we are taught that a person’s biological sex is what they’re gender will be. “Male, female, and intersex are the terms we use when referring to biological sex” stated in Kyles Myers article. Males have xy sex chromosomes which indicates the development of a male and females have xx sex chromosomes which indicates it will be a development of a female. With this indication, society has created gender to be the final depiction of what one is. Sex is what you have, and gender is what you are. I think sex has a lot to do with the construction of genders. Genders revolve around what type of sex chromosomes you have, and it helps to strengthen the ideals of gender. It also helps people to easily discriminate when one alters their gender to another. Sex and gender are conflated within our culture through the need to associate gender with sex, and to maintain a structure of some sort. Culture adds another element to it, it can be used to either strengthen the ideals or to discriminate between genders. In today’s time, it is used to discriminate because now there are people who either identified themselves as multiples or none. Which is hard to understand to those who are more traditional and taught that there can only be one or the other. 

Question 6: What is a double bind? How do double binds function within our society?

A double bind is when someone is in between two major problems that cannot be avoided nor be overlooked. If overlooked or avoided, it can result into bigger and messier issues for this individual at hand. In Marilyn Frye article, she compares a double bind to the oppression of women to a bird in a cage. The bird symbolizes the women, and its cage is society, society in traps women who don’t fit their ideals of a typical women. A typical woman is a quiet, manageable, nice, and beautiful person. Manageable for men to pick and marry, quiet in the sense she will not fight back nor for her own rights, nice to all even those who mistreat her, and beautiful to attract “good/deserving” attention. Women who have different ideals of what a woman is, are seen as rebels, “bitches”, non-deserving of a “good” man, disrespectful and a threat to man’s masculinity/power. 

 The way a double binds function in society is through women issues. For example, a woman dressing the way she likes to/must can capture the unwanted attention from a man. By capturing this attention from a man can led to unwanted touching, catcalling, and sexual courses. A women’s no, is not a no but a maybe or a yes, and within this statement women aren’t able to feel free, feel safe nor respected through anything they wear. If a woman looks for justice, it is seen as cries for attention and not validated because women’s clothing or the women herself wanted it according to what a man claims. This is what we called a double bind; Women aren’t seen as humans but objects. When women are cooperating with the ideal of clothing they should wear, they are still tortured and raped.


For this week’s breakdown on the film and reading I have gone through very throughly. There was such a variation of perspectives and experiences from first-hand individuals that have endured some kind of oppression. Though everyone’s experience was different, everyone expressed the same anger, frustrations, and fear. All victims of gender discrimination, sexism, and disrespect want peace, change, and equity. The film I chose to watch was “Knock Down the House”, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is such an admired advocate who stands on her ideals of change and presents power in unity.

I feel like the reading “How To Think Like An Activist” by Wendy Syfret, compliments the film and goes hand ‘n hand with what an activist is. Which I feel like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, is and she is a prime example. Through the reading, Wendy speaks about famous movements that have contribute into today’s changes. Not only by explaining the significance these movements have but as well as breaking down the necessary passion people devote to these gatherings. The passion and desire for change is what motivates others to want the same as well. Change comes from within, meaning one has to start from where it comes from. It’s usually comes from adult figures in our lives like people who lived with you or took care of you. These individuals imprint their thoughts, beliefs, and bad attitude into your life so you’ll grow up with the same motive, mindset, and drive. Sometimes I believe is not intentional but most of the time is intended to spread more negativity, hate, and for change to be stop. The way I see it, one’s home is like an inside understanding of a person’s mentality, emotions, choices, and their wrongs.

A perfect example is our parents, meaning my generation’s of parents. They grew up different from how we grew up. Which causes rooted emotions that most parents have not resorted, which leads to chaos. Parents who grew up in another country had it rougher indeed and the fact that we have It “easier” in their eyes, it justifies their actions of hateful remarks, and lack of understanding. What our parents do not see is that we all have our difficulties no matter where we are, no matter what country we move to next nor neighborhood. We will encounter situations and hardships they have endured. Harassment, lack of respect, being hated on, being overlooked, or shut out. It is apart of life, no parent can protect their kid from those hardships. In some way it is going to happen because it is life and life is all about growing + changing + evolving.

With that being said, I am a very outspoken person and when a close minded adult or family member contribute to the misunderstandings and false accusations of oppression in whatever age group or ethnicities, I correct them. Though they feel disrespected because someone younger than them has corrected them. It needs to be done to spread awareness that change is okay, change is needed to evolve as a community and individuals. Wendy claims the home is where it begins and where change should occur. Many people like me will agree to that because it is our parents who teach us the way of life the way they lived it and what seems to not be understood is the fact that everything doesn’t stay the same, no matter how much you don’t change. The world will still change around you and you are not going to like being left behind because it is lonely. Being close minded is lonely, depressing, and miserable if I’m being honest.

Alexandria as many other women running for congress is so inspiring to see and listen too. These individuals come together through their shared experiences and emotions, which creates this space of comfort and safety to feel free in your own gender. I love to see how the challenges can be overwhelming for all, but they continue to thrive for themselves and other women. Especially when one can relate to their hardships and stories. Alexandra was a bartender from the bronx!!! The bronx where people are painted as dirty, not worth investing your time with and shamed on for growing up in different environment. Look at her now, thriving and it’s a beautiful example of if you want to, you can! Never let no one, no women or man tell you that you can’t because of who you are, where you come from or what you do for a living. Change happens for the greater good, for personal growth and elevation.

Seeing these women and people apart of the movement actually connect and work within the community is real, refreshing, and inspiring not only to me but other people who have been put down for “non realistic ideas of change”. Change happens with us, when we take the stand, when we realized we are in control and not those in power. Those in power manipulate others by feeding them orders and false truths to keep change from progressing. If change progresses, those in power lose their creditably, their position, their hold on the human race.

The film is not only inspiring but exposes the systems failures so many love to defend and cover up. The unfair and judgement these women endure for advocating their rights. I admire Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, I want to see more people like Alexandria, and I want to see more women wanting change as she does. In my opinion, Wendy descriptions of what is an activist/how to think like one and the necessaries, is AOC. Alexandria is the example, her drive, passion, and care is a beautiful example to the reading of how to think like an activist.

Content Response 4

Both readings show a different perspective on the view of oppression but I really enjoyed reading Allan’s point of view because it breaks down the components through a sociological understanding. Through a sociological way, breaking it down from the root to the stem then through all of the little things that put it together.

Patriarchy has been rooted into our system, minds, and the way we comprehend. Patriarchy has put boundaries on what gender’s can be, and our bodies being more valued than our intelligence. Cultures are being put on a stand because of how different everyone is and it doesn’t match the ideals of women and men that have been in placed. The pressure of being a man has made a mentality of toxicity where a man believes he is better and has carried more weight than a man.

“The oppression of women happened because men wants” Men’s hostility towards the idea of women being or having power is sickening to them. Since they been appointed to power and are the symbol of strength. They see women as a threat, a threat to their masculinity. This mindset is toxic to younger boys who are growing into being a man, with this mentally it becomes toxic for women. Men are more excused and (babied) to the point where if a women makes a mistake it is blasted everywhere to every intention. It introduce men into thinking and believing they have the right to do the same and when they do it is really damaging to women.

Oppression is not only through gender roles but as well class levels, society has always impanelment the need of having money and having connections.

Content Response 3

White privilege is a somewhat sensitive to bring up, since some are ashamed or in denial of it all together. Those who take advantage of it, take charge in using it for change and help others in the process. White privilege isn’t something given, you are automatically born with it. If your background is white or if you appear to look white you have a advance for better opportunities, a greater range of education, and less consequences for crimes that are serious. The way a white man can get away with rape with little to none consequence is truly unjust and disgusting. This mentality and lifestyle is the same way men believe they are greater. Men being idolized as being greater is given at birth, the way white privilege is. It is a lifestyle, a “non-existing” thing that occurs. No one wants to take accountability nor real change toward it.