Author Archives: Heatherlee

Content Response 12

Gender is a social construct means gender is like a blueprint of who one can be identify as. What people believed and have been taught over the years is that gender is only two and not more. In reality, there’s more than one and people can identify as anyone/anything they want because it is their choice. Our choice to identify ourselves is taken away, our first ever right once we enter this world. Even before, because doctors identify us either as boy or girl through sex.

From Boy’s Don’t Cry it triggered a moment of when I was taken advantage as the character Brandon did. Without giving much details, it’s a time I like to forget and not remember. It makes me feel sick to my stomach that any producers would even agree to sign this off to be shown in theaters. It’s horrifying and I bet it was more horrifying for women transitioning as a man. I don’t understand why abuse is presented so much in movies and shows, it’s horrible and it gives the idea that people should, could, or will do so if you are anything the social media doesn’t speak about. It creates an unsafe environment and creates false narratives. I still react the same, abuse will forever get the same reaction out of me. An outburst, because why do people have to struggle so much growing up than to deal with men or women taking advantage of us then us not even getting justice or people believing the victims. What’s worst is other people degrading those victims, making fun of them, conveying there is no possible way that it happen, and completely shutting them down.

The media has influence my own perception of my gender through body images, it has influence my looks on my image. Especially growing up, when boys would be more interested in girls with chest and a bigger lower half, than I had. Some girls were early bloomers so personality was over looks, which never stood right with me. Entering high school I felt invisible, in my own bubble till I started gaining attention through personality and through my looks. Which was shocking to me because I already believe I wasn’t pretty enough for boys to notice me. So the spotlight and me did not boat well at all and since I never paid attention to the attention given to me, girls who I believe always had the attention felt threaten. I became a target and adding to the factors of me having a personality of my own. Meaning I was my own person and I wasn’t seeking validation from anyone, It attracted more people to my space. I also made friends easily, so certain girls hated that. People in my high school thought I was being oblivious on purpose, when truly I was genuinely confuse.

I realized not so long ago, I always had real beauty, I let social media and others put me down because of what THERE image of beauty is. Natural beauty isn’t consider beautiful and when it is, it’s seen as a threat. (I don’t understand why) I think it goes back to ages ago. Which I have seen so much in music and movie history, + so much more. Where women have gone through drastic measures to change their bodies and faces to the point of unrecognizable. Now, that women are realizing beauty is within and any beauty is acceptable, some women who made measures feel threaten, or feel the need to put down women who don’t want to change their appearances because they feel comfortable in their own skin.

I am not sure how to explain how I preform my gender but here goes, the way I understood this question was how I am as a women. How I identify myself as women, and I feel like I show I’m women through my strengths, my hustles, and not to sound cheesy but through my beauty not through looks but my beauty within. How I flourish and encourage other women to feel beautiful. In my opinion, women should stick together, grow together, we relate, and we’re the only ones who can truly understand each other, so why aren’t we our biggest allies?

Real man/Real women, I think what makes a man a man is how he treats people, especially women. A man in my opinion is someone with strength, drive, and respect to not only himself but to everyone else around him. Someone who lends a hand when asked or not asked. Same goes for a women. In my perspective, body does not make man or women. I use to think that before because that is what I was taught but no one really knows what makes a man or makes a women. It is theories and opinions!! People are so entitle in claiming they know what makes a women women or what makes a man a man but no one does but the person themselves. This does not go for all cases though, because sometimes what I have said can be used as an excuse to kill, rape, steal, and so much more awful crimes done to others. People can say oh but I am the writer of my story and claim myself a real man for taking what I want when I want.

In my opinion, it does not work like that, I am no one to say what makes a man a man but what I feel and say what a man is, it’s my own opinion. Some may stand for it and others won’t. I don’t when what makes a women always goes back to man. Why is it said that what makes a women, women is when she’s married, has sex with a man or has children? It is gross in my opinion, I am women! No matter my experiences with man or if I have children or not, or if I CAN have them. The double standards are insane.

Content Response 11

I have learn about abortion and women rights being decreased before I even knew the Ten Commandments. Before time even began, women were seen as something and not someone..not a person with a heart and feelings, not someone with a head and logic. An object, men would use, toss around and/or control. It is sickening and disgusting because without women, technically there would be no man. Yes, man help the process but women give life, we create HUMANS!! Where is our respect?

The Abortion Divide video, women spoke on their stories on keeping the baby, the journey and the struggle each and every women describe. Giving life is beautiful and unique but it isn’t for everyone nor all at once. No one is ever prepared to give life to another human nor cater to all their needs. Most of our needs some parents cannot or aren’t able to cater to because of financial issues. These system in place in American are revolved around certain people to succeed and able to stay afloat. It’s not for everyone and they know it, it called being oblivious to the facts in front of you. It’s unfair and discriminating!!

Women abort for the simple fact, they cannot cater for someone else than themselves at the moment, the father in question could be a one night stand or simply a horrible man. A man who is not ready or should be in charge of a child because he is still a child. Most women who give birth are still children!! The argument of “women shouldn’t have sex then because of chances of pregnancy” is very hypocritical, why isn’t the same argument made for men? They become a parent as much as the women, but they aren’t hold accountable because what? because they don’t carry the child in their stomach for 9 months? Women are unable to get pregnant again once pregnant. They will be growing the fetus for 9 months, while men can impregnate 9 plus other women while women number one is still pregnant. So, who’s really the problem? Who should be put on contraceptions.

The video Hobby Lobby: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) speaks on Hobby Lobby and their fight about anti-contraceptions. The company “Hobby Lobby” sued the federal government for asking them to provide coverage for contraception in their health insurance plans, because it goes against their religious beliefs. Ironic, religion yet again being used as an excuse not to follow the law in place to “keep women safe” “to “help” women” but it’s okay for priest to touch little girls or rape? then somehow it’s the girl’s fault for wearing something revealing but it’s church clothes. (the real problem are men with conservative minds) It’s really funny when religion is used so many times as an argument, as a reason to not follow the rules in place or simply to hide behind them. The same way white people hide behind the laws that protect them, it’s an on going cycle.

Some people think birth control is the best option, but I disagree with most and those who said is better, because it is as dangerous and difficult as an abortion. Birth controls are presented as easier and less cruel because of the many options, packaging, and sizing but in reality it is horrible. It has its benefits of helping control women’s flow and cramps with their periods but did you guys forget everything else it comes with? Let me remind you

  1. Breast Cancer
  2. Ovarian and Endometrial Cancer
  3. Blood clots
  4. Heart attack
  5. Stroke
  6. Nausea
  7. Mood changes (drastically, may I add)
  8. Spotting in between periods
  9. Migraines/headaches
  10. and the list goes, really!!!

These side affect may seem normal like nausea, headaches, and etc, but it shouldn’t occur at all! It is not normal at all and for women to succumb to such lows, it’s sad. To agree to put our bodies under much stress and danger every day! To then not be respected? So disappointing and honestly degrading in my opinion. There are other ways for women to help control heavy flows and pains, birth control is not the only and “safe” option.

Content Response 10

The Power of Identity Politics, 

 “for people who aren’t white, heterosexual, cisgender men.” This is a perfect example of who has/gains power in the levels/ranks of society. An exact description of who is and will be in control, no matter the situation at hand. This is the normal reality of Americans, instead of dividing power to all types of people and groups of identity, in the USA it is encouraged and in force to keep the struggle going. Which keeps white men in power, and some white women who are able to gain power but since they are women, it’s mostly white men. It is a proven fact, they’re so many articles, court cases, federal sponged cases, situations in society, or issues at home where men, white men and/or white people who have been given a higher level of respect, care, and a slap on the wrist. EVEN CASES WITH RAPE AND MURDER!! It is incredibly disgusting and so heart-aching. 

White people are presented as the superiority “race” when in reality we are all one race and in my opinion white people have no culture because the culture they claim to have, is and are stolen from African descendants. Which is incredibly ironic to say, because African Americans suffer so much and are not respect as much as other groups of people.  There are several different types of identity politics in this article but this one hit homes for me because  black people poured their heart and soul in submitting into torture, makeovers, and etc. They have done so much to get and demand their rightful rights and respect as human beings for as long as anyone can remember. Still till this day, they are always being degraded and seen as less of a human based on the color of their skin! 

Response 9

Black feminism began through the lack of recognition from white feminist women, the lack of understanding like if the black women were some sort of other species. Feminism is a free space for women to elaborate their feelings and struggles through society. In the reading “The Combahee River Collective Statement” can show those who may not understand why women are so persistent and “up tight”. The women in the reading present themselves with a problem and this problem is presented to us today. This problem has been at our throats since the day women were created. Women aren’t only oppressed but divided. Black women vs White women, both at each other’s throat by the hand of society’s rules. Which does not help because the hands by society are the same hands by white and black males whom take part of the problems that face women on the daily day.

Black women to say the least are more oppressed than white women, white women are held at a pedestal. Higher than Black women, which is absolutely disgusting and degrading because all women are capable! Black women suffered from dealing with multiple kinds of oppression, their skin color, gender, and their appearances. At a very young age women are sexualized, young black girls are seen as toys and as experiments growing up. White men and women have made Black women out to be a different sort of human, not even human, something to explore and experiment on. Solely based on their skin color and different appearances. White women all have similarities, more so than Black women. Seeing the varieties of beauty and differences from a Black women is threatening and confusing. White women chose to convey their jealously and envy towards oppressing them rather than joining forces to end the oppression of them all. Not only are women sexualized and attacked solely based on their gender, they face sexual harassment everywhere. No where is safe for a women, so some women chose to be submissive or chose to not live life because the world is not fair to women. By choosing not to live your life, you are letting every negative win! The systems and this world has created such a toxic environment for women to not grown nor flourish. Women apart of the LGBTQ community faced even more danger, you would think the bar couldn’t go any lower but it does! I believe women who can be free in who they are, who they want to be and how they want to live life are seen as a threat. Not only to white women but all men. Men grow up to be hold to a standard, as well as women. Being held to such a high and restricting standard dismisses everyone’s needs and wants. By going by your own standards is viewed as weird or crazy or even just out of line. You know why?, because we are so used to being put under a category and put on lines. We’re brainwashed into thinking one way instead of thinking of multiple ways, being different is sacred but in reality it is beautiful. Being who you truly are is beautiful, and being free is amazing.

The systems and this world has created such a toxic environment for women to not grown nor flourish. We faced rape, sexual harassment not only at work but even at home or places where we should be safe but aren’t because it is shown that men can do and get whatever they want. Women are conveyed as objects and things to take which in fact, isn’t true. We are humans too!!! We have rights too!! God created us too!! Not for men’s pleasure, nor company.





Content Response 8

The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan was wonderfully written, it is perfectly written for the audience to understand the perspective on why women are pressured to be perfect because women are seen as pawns. A way to fulfill an agenda, gender roles are sectioned off in order to control and received power in manipulation. By manipulating genders against each other, the higher ups have it easier to achieve their secret agendas. Men till this day treat women as objects and as things that cannot/ should not fend for themselves. When in reality women are the one in control, they bring in life, they are mentally and emotionally stronger than men are. Physical strength is used to popularize men because that is what they have one up against women. They are stronger, in seeing they are stronger they are condition to believe they are better and should be in control. In America everything is use to a political advantage, work, education, place’s to live, and that is how they capitalizes. We all are a pawn in their plans and games they pull.

The Politics of Housework by Pat Mainardi

women are expected to clean, maintained men and the children they birth out. While in the 50’s and 60’s women weren’t expected anymore to put men above them but as time goes on. The more women get rights, the more men convert back into the old way of life. Conditioning women and themselves, they see women as caretakers of them and others. Since women are naturally careful and taught to take care of others before him.