Every time I tell a male that I can drive they do not believe me and laugh disregarding my statement. Some male that I get a chance to drive around comment that I am a good drivier and are oddly surprised.

My brother in law was a stay at home dad once and for the amount of months that he was his friends would always laugh at him and say that his wife was the person who wore the pants in the relationship.

Reading the articles reminded me of a conversation I had with a friend. He was saying that in the news they were saying that many people have concerns about the new governor.

Thanks for sharing your experiences:) I don’t think people realize how often they judge others based on society’s gender roles and how damaging they can be. Commenting on someone’s driving and being surprised they can drive well when they’re not a man is so inappropriate and degrading. It’s the same when someone says something like “you run well for a girl”. Luckily, it feels like people are beginning to understand that saying these types of things aren’t okay anymore
Great work. However, next time just choose one image (or song or whatever) and share it without explaining it. Do you think the concerns people have about Governor Hochul are about her being a woman? I wonder. I have liked her so far, though there are some concerns about her historical record. Either way, for me, she is a refreshing change from Cuomo who is such a bully.