Disclosure is an eye-opening film I have never felt so deeply about a film. This documentary opened gave me a clearer insight to the life of trans people throughout the years. And to be honest it made me dislike the entertainment industry a bit. Why have trans people been depicted as comedy it is go degrading. I truly felt so heart broken for all the little kids that watched shows with misrepresentation of trans people. Imagine how they much of felt and think. What really upset me was the way they made trans people seem like liars. They never lied they are who they say they are regardless of the genitalia they were born with. The Construct of gender really is a toxic thing that truly is causes a lot of issues for Queer individuals. It also brings into question how humans really love because if you try to kill or beat someone just because they don’t have the genitalia you associated with their physical representation, you are not only abusing that person mentally and physically, but you are dehumanizing them. This misrepresentation of trans people is not benefiting anyone. One it makes it seem like all trans people are nothing more than their physical appearance with I find is the lease important it is how they feel inside those counts. Second it gives of the wrong reaction to finding out a person is trans, trans people are human and do not deserve to be represented in a way that degrades them and sees them as revolting. They representation of men dresses in movies as women to represent trans women affects both the cis men and the trans women because it gives the message that without their makeup, they are a man and that could not be further from the truth. Trans women ARE WOMEN and that is that! With makeup without make they are women. Gender goes way beyond gender. And brings up the question of homophobia because why is the idea of kissing a man so revolting. Finally, this dramatically effects young children and other people in general who have not come out to their family and society because they think they will not be accepted and well be beaten for being them. Pose and Naomi from Sense 8 was the first time I saw beautiful representation of a trans person on film. Naomi in sense 8 is true to herself and her relationship with her girlfriend is beautiful. Sense 8 is one the best shows I have ever seen when it comes to representation of sexuality outside of heterosexuality. I have never watch Boys Don’t Cry but I have so much empathy for the real person and people that go through that. I tried so made to hold back my tears when they showed the scene of the demon teen boys bullying him and exposing his to his girlfriend. It was too painful to watch I would have to work up a lot of courage to watch that film because I know I will be heart broken after. I don’t understand why some humans are so cruel. It really baffles my mind because humans find it so are to realize that we are all the same from the trees to the animals to the smallest being. Who are we to beside who’s existence is valid and who’s is not? This film has made me more conscience of how I look at people and how people view others. It took me a long time to realize that I was pansexual and know that I know I would not want someone to take that away from me. And I will fight for the rights and pure representation and happiness and well being of all trans people.
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