In the video “The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire” there was a building called ASCH building. In that building there was about 500 employees working there 11-12 hours a day. There were women working there who didn’t speak English and they were young. On March 25, 1911, there was a fire that started and there was no way to put out the fire. The hose of the extinguisher was not working and there was no way for the workers to get out because there was only one elevator working and it can only hold 12 people. Also, the emergency was locked, and they couldn’t get out through there and many people started to jump. About 144 people died from the fire and two died in the hospital. It’s sad that these workers died because the emergency doors were locked and if it wasn’t for these emergency doors being locked, I believe these workers would’ve survived. It’s not fair that the factory owners were found not guilty because it was their fault that they kept the emergency door locked.
In the video “Triangle Returns” it mentions how there was a fire in one of the factories in Bangladesh on December 14, 2010. The same thing that happened in the shirtwaist factory it happened in the factory in Bangladesh. The workers tried to go down the stairs to exist the building, but the fire was too strong and then they tried to exit through the emergency door, but the doors were also locked. These workers wanted to get paid more but companies like Gap and Walmart didn’t want to pay them more. I think this is unbelievable from companies like Gap and Walmart in which a lot of people buy from and I’m pretty sure they make a lot of money. It’s not fair that these people are working in factories for little pay and they are risking their lives and only getting one day off a month. It’s something that we need to do as a society because these people are working for little money and people who shop at these stores don’t realize what these workers are going through working in factories. I like my classmate Emely D picture because it shows women fighting to get a higher a raise. I believe they were doing the right thing because working in a factory it can be a risk to them just how the fire started and not having a way to get out the building. Also, having little pay and working many hours without a break it’s not fair to the workers.