Response 12

The film “Disclosure” was emotional and eye opening for me to watch. Before watching this film I did not know much about trans. I only thing I knew was that someone would go from the biological sex they are to the opposite sex. The way the media showed the meaning of trans along the years was a negative way. In the media trans was shown as something to laugh at or something to fear. The way the documentary starts is the best way I believe to describe how trans people are feeling at something and you just don’t get it?” Do you know that feeling when you’re sitting in the movie theater and everyone is laughing  . Now what the media does is for it to become more difficult for them to come out and be who they are comfortable with being with no eyes around them to judge. Trans people are everywhere, you just have to pay attention. Not everyone is accepting of trans people, the more eyes they have on them the more at risk they are at. 

Nick Adams says the way people are being taught to react to a transgender is fear, they are either dangerous serial killer, perverts etc. because the one questions lies Why are they wearing a dress when they are a men? It’s sad because the way media portrays transgender, people cannot have their own opion on how they really feel. Many people are open minded along with transphobic people out there but the media does not allow for one to have their own opinion on it. There are many TV shows out there that bring tansgender down, they are the laughing topic. Many interviews where transgender people were asked questions that were insulting. TV hosts didn’t care how their questions were asked and didn’t see how it might have affected their guests. The celebrities speaking in this documentary seemed hurt when they were talking about the different TV shows. 

Zackary Ducker talks about Dog Day Afternoon, it was a movie where they wanted to cast Elizabeth Coffey Williams but she looked too much like a woman. It is sad that you can never be enough, something is always wrong with the person you are. She also talks about trans women playing a role where they do not have to be a man in a disguise. Once a trans woman plays a woman in a movie and outside of their role they are still a woman it becomes easier for them. 

Zeke Smith Talks about how his childhood favorite movie ended. He was one day feeling down as he was transitioning and wanted something to uplift him and so watched it in college. He gets to the end and sees that the actor vomits and wants to cleanse himself after having physical contact with a transgender person. He also exposes her to everyone, showing everyone that her genitals were tucked. It raises the question to them of who will love them for who they are like how Lilly Wachowski says.  

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