In the book “White Advantage: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack” by Peggy McIntosh, it is discussed how your skin is a privilege, with white people having greater privileges than those with colored skin. She continues by stating that racism not only disadvantages others but also benefits white people. She emphasizes that it has become so commonplace and ingrained in the system that many people are unaware of these features of privilege. She then goes on to outline a slew of ways in which many people enjoy white privilege. For example, if a white person is interviewed for a job and a brown person applies for the same position with a degree, but the white person is hired. Those who are not as fortunate are restricted and exploited in areas such as the law, education, work, and health care. These social identification groups are less wealthy and undervalued because of their race, such as black people, and also because of their gender, such as females.
The second reading, “Oppression” by Marilyn Frye, discusses the ongoing struggle that women face as a result of society. Being a woman and a person of color in society is difficult. Frye used an amazing comparison of a bird in a cage to express the intricacy of the oppressed who are bound and formed by societal structures and gender inequalities that have been since the beginning of time and continue to exist today.
Definitely interesting things i didnt know i needed to read and touch up on more.