Response 6

The YouTube video “untold stories of black women in the suffrage movement” was very educational because I learned a lot of things that school previously failed to teach me. In the video we learn about a few empowering women who have fought to get us women, especially black women where we are today. In school, I didn’t really learn anything about ida b wells so it was really interesting to hear about the things she has done to help get black women the rights we have today. To hear that she was born to slavery, lost her parents at a young age but was still able to become educated and become this powerful black woman who made a huge impact on the lives of women/ black women and black people in general is incredible. To also hear that she used her power to expose lynching as something that white peoples used to intimidate and oppress black people resllt blows my mind. Especially since lynching was something sadly a lot of black people had to go through back then. She also started the alpha suffrage club which set out to register black women and men voters, which led to many other people forming their own groups to fight for the rights of black people. 

To hear about the 22 college women, the founders of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority who saw the importance of the right to vote so they marched in the women’s suffrage march is amazing. I don’t know why but I couldn’t imagine myself right now making that much of an impact on the world at such a young age. It just shows how powerful those women back then were and how dedicated they were to fighting for the rights we now have today. 

I have heard of Susan b Anthony but I never really learned about what she has done so this video helped me learn a lot that I didn’t know before. Susan b Anthony was someone who fought to end slavery and property ownership of women. Many people didn’t like the fact that she said “Women deserved the vote more than black men” which I can agree with them. Even though I’m sure men believe they deserve to vote more than women. I don’t think we should be saying we deserve something more than them because I think it would make us stoop down to the same level as those who thought we didn’t deserve the right to vote. 

All of the women mentioned in the video are very powerful and are very appreciated because us women definitely probably wouldn’t have the rights we have today without them. 

The one hundred years toward suffrage timelines is something that shows us a bunch of events that eventually led to women receiving the right to vote. It’s mentions that in 1849 Harriet Tubman escaped slavery and over the next 10 years she lead many others slaves to freedom by the Underground Railroad which is something I already knew about but it is something that really made history. In 1891 ida b Wells- Barnett launched her nationwide anti lynching campaign after three black who were businessmen were murdered. In 1919 the nineteenth amendment which from google states “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex”, passes both house and senate and goes to the state for ratification. In 1920 the nineteenth amendment was adopted. Although I only listed a few out of the many things that took place before the nineteenth amendment was adopted, there were  so many more things that happened that contributed to it. 

I really liked Raquel Hernandez’s snapshot because to me it represents women being restricted by those who believe that politics is no place for women.

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