reproductive rights

Abortion Division was sad yet comical to me. I truly felt bad for the women that went in to get an abortion and felt like they were doing something wrong. Or the older women that learned she was having twins and began to cry. I understand that it hurts to think you are losing a baby, but I agree with them and their choices. If you cannot afford to bring a child into the world and give them what they deserve, do not bring them here. And those who kept the baby and put them up for adoption after, are also so strong. I can only imagine the feeling, the attachment, they feel after 9 months together and then giving them away in hopes they live a happy life. I was highly annoyed by the creepy old white men that prayed and protested outside of the clinic. Why are you so concerned with women and their body? Why is it ANY of their business? I connected with one of the speakers when she said, “There is a sense that woman simply can’t make moral decisions on their own. The state must intervene and tell them what to do. I think it’s pure hypocrisy.” I completely agree, why is it that men always feel obligated to tell women what to do with their bodies, it is not your body, so you have no say. It is sad that even today they see a women’s body as their property. When they mentioned the clinic that attempts to talk women out of abortion I laughed because their values are hilarious. One of the nurses said, “We offer pregnancy test, but we don’t provide contraception here. We don’t want people engaging in behavior that’s risky to them.” This was pure comedy to me, you expect humans to refrain from sex, something we naturally do. Can you be so illiterate to think denying contraception will stop people from having sex when they want, that is like telling a child not to touch the cookie jar. Then there was the old white doctor who said, “contraception takes away a natural barrier to promiscuity. And promiscuity is what drives abortion.”  First off, I would like to say that one-night stands and unprotected sex between unmarried people is not the only cause of abortion. It was proven in the documentary that even married couples have abortions and it is because they do not see themselves financially or mentally ready to have a child. That is the main reason people have abortions, because they do not think they are fit to have a child at that point in time. This documentary was filmed in the early 2000s and nothing has changed. People still think they can tell a woman what to do with her body. Just look at the protest that were going on in Texas for woman’s reproductive rights, the white old man was right this is a fight that might go on for more generations to come but it will be a pro-choice victory. Heather Lee’s, post represent exactly how these men sound trying to tell a woman what to do with HER body, hypocrites. Let us flip the switch a pro-life man gets a woman other than his wife pregnant, most defiantly he will not want that baby, why? Because it will be an inconvenience to him, but it is okay for him to tell a woman what do with her body. Literally disgusting. And regarding the hobby lobby video, yes, I will no longer be shopping there.  

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