Content Response 11

I have learn about abortion and women rights being decreased before I even knew the Ten Commandments. Before time even began, women were seen as something and not someone..not a person with a heart and feelings, not someone with a head and logic. An object, men would use, toss around and/or control. It is sickening and disgusting because without women, technically there would be no man. Yes, man help the process but women give life, we create HUMANS!! Where is our respect?

The Abortion Divide video, women spoke on their stories on keeping the baby, the journey and the struggle each and every women describe. Giving life is beautiful and unique but it isn’t for everyone nor all at once. No one is ever prepared to give life to another human nor cater to all their needs. Most of our needs some parents cannot or aren’t able to cater to because of financial issues. These system in place in American are revolved around certain people to succeed and able to stay afloat. It’s not for everyone and they know it, it called being oblivious to the facts in front of you. It’s unfair and discriminating!!

Women abort for the simple fact, they cannot cater for someone else than themselves at the moment, the father in question could be a one night stand or simply a horrible man. A man who is not ready or should be in charge of a child because he is still a child. Most women who give birth are still children!! The argument of “women shouldn’t have sex then because of chances of pregnancy” is very hypocritical, why isn’t the same argument made for men? They become a parent as much as the women, but they aren’t hold accountable because what? because they don’t carry the child in their stomach for 9 months? Women are unable to get pregnant again once pregnant. They will be growing the fetus for 9 months, while men can impregnate 9 plus other women while women number one is still pregnant. So, who’s really the problem? Who should be put on contraceptions.

The video Hobby Lobby: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) speaks on Hobby Lobby and their fight about anti-contraceptions. The company “Hobby Lobby” sued the federal government for asking them to provide coverage for contraception in their health insurance plans, because it goes against their religious beliefs. Ironic, religion yet again being used as an excuse not to follow the law in place to “keep women safe” “to “help” women” but it’s okay for priest to touch little girls or rape? then somehow it’s the girl’s fault for wearing something revealing but it’s church clothes. (the real problem are men with conservative minds) It’s really funny when religion is used so many times as an argument, as a reason to not follow the rules in place or simply to hide behind them. The same way white people hide behind the laws that protect them, it’s an on going cycle.

Some people think birth control is the best option, but I disagree with most and those who said is better, because it is as dangerous and difficult as an abortion. Birth controls are presented as easier and less cruel because of the many options, packaging, and sizing but in reality it is horrible. It has its benefits of helping control women’s flow and cramps with their periods but did you guys forget everything else it comes with? Let me remind you

  1. Breast Cancer
  2. Ovarian and Endometrial Cancer
  3. Blood clots
  4. Heart attack
  5. Stroke
  6. Nausea
  7. Mood changes (drastically, may I add)
  8. Spotting in between periods
  9. Migraines/headaches
  10. and the list goes, really!!!

These side affect may seem normal like nausea, headaches, and etc, but it shouldn’t occur at all! It is not normal at all and for women to succumb to such lows, it’s sad. To agree to put our bodies under much stress and danger every day! To then not be respected? So disappointing and honestly degrading in my opinion. There are other ways for women to help control heavy flows and pains, birth control is not the only and “safe” option.

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